John Bender x Reader (The Breakfast Club)

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It wasn't quite yet midnight, but it was late enough that everyone else in your house was asleep, and you should have been, too. But you couldn't stop thinking about Bender and the last thing he had said to you.

It was unlikely that an adorable punk with a criminal record and a short young lady with a conservative family like yours could have such a romantic relationship, but the two of you had secretly been making it work for two years. That was, up until now.

You were at your locker this afternoon, packing up to go to history class, which was the most difficult subject for you. You were obviously stressed out, but what happened next made things worse.

"Hey, purty." John snuck up behind you and whispered in your ear. "Don't worry, you'll be great on your history test, just like you're great in bed!"

"JOHN BENDER!!!" You screeched, trying to keep the volume of your voice low.

"What, Y/N? I'm just joking with you," he smirked.

"No, Bender.. Not here!" You covered your face with your, attempting to hide your anger but not being successful in doing so.

"Y/L/N, I'm sick and tired of sneaking around. You know I like you, but I guess you're ashamed to let anyone think you feel the same way about me. Two fucking years!! And you're still afraid to be seen with me, this is complete bullshit!!" he said, pointing his finger at you, then ruffling his shirt.

"You're right, it is! Bye, John!!!" You huffed and stomped away.

It hadn't really sunk in until now that you'd just lost one of your best friends, and really, the love of your life. Sure, it was high school and most relationships dissolved after a few weeks, or months at most, but you and Bender had been together for a grand two years.

If you had the chance to do things over, you wouldn't let what he said in the hallway bother you. You would have been proud to let other people hear how happy you were with him. Regardless of whether your parents approved of this relationship or not, you would not have hidden such an important person in your life from them. But sometimes we don't realize how important people really are to us until we lose them. Was it too late??

You sat there, crying, for a good amount of time until - BAM!!

"What the heck?!" You thought as you felt a breeze.

"Dammit Bender!" You laughed, holding up the rock he just threw into your window. You stared down at him and motioned for him to climb up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" You muttered, hugging him, but he pushed away.

"Don't apologize," he said, stroking your H/C hair. "Just make out with me."

A/N: Hey!! Sorry it's been a little while since I updated, you know how busy school can get!! I have a few imagines to post, then I believe I still have a few requests to write - I'll get to those as soon as I'm able to.. Thanks for understanding!! ❤️

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