Chris Chambers x Reader (Stand By Me)

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Great, just great," you thought nervously. "C'mon, Eyeball! Give it back!" Chris shouted, his voice full of anger and annoyance.

(You were walking to get a soda with Chris, carrying a paper bag. Inside were some pills - they weren't yours, you were way too young to use birth control. They were for your sister, she blackmailed you into buying them for her. She was broke - she dropped out of high school, and now spent her time messing with some guy at the barber shop.)

Eyeball opened the bag and pulled out the bottle of pills, his eyes widened. "Y/N, wow! I never knew you and my brother did... Things!"

Your face reddened. Besides being Chris's girlfriend, your record was completely clean. And being Chris's girl wasn't even bad - he was a much better person than what people thought. You weren't ready to let your sister's irresponsibility ruin your reputation, even though it just had.

"Wait until your mother finds out about this, Y/N!" Eyeball taunted, tossing the bottle of pills to Ace, who waved it in the air.

You felt tears begin to fall gently down your face, then more violently after Ace grabbed you by the shoulders. You broke free and ran away - angry and utterly embarrassed. Chris threw a few punches at Ace and Eyeball, but soon realized that it wasn't worth it and ran after you.

Your eyes lit up when you felt a familiar hand patting your back. In his hand, Chris had your sister's pills, although he was ready to destroy them. He hated the way your sister forced you into doing her dirty work - it reminded him of how his brothers' track records ruined his reputation. He told jokes, as usual, to calm you down.

He kissed you gently on the cheek and said, "I'm still confused, Y/N. Are the pills really for your sister, or are you and I going to be using them?"

You rolled your eyes and he quickly covered up what he just said by telling you, "I was just fudging with you there. You know that!"

He held your hand and planted another kiss on your forehead.

"Were you fudging there?" You asked.

"No," he replied as he pulled you up into a hug.

He had a real soft spot for you.

A/N: Hihihi so I'm glad I got a few favorites on my SBTB imagine, so I'll try to write another one soon!! (: Thanks for reading, I'd be nowhere without my wonderful readers!

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