Chapter 16:

10 0 0

2 1/2 hours before present time.

The lights were all off and noone could seem to find the panel to turn it on. I slid my hand against the wall and found the panel. I pulled it up but had no effect. I found my way to Zayn.

"Psst. Zayn the power is down." I whispered.

"Uh. Great." He took his walkie talkie out of his pocket and pressed at the button.

"Listen the power's down. Be as careful as you can guys, over." He put it back into his pocket and proceeded to walk foward with his gun pointed forward.

I was right behind him as if afraid i might be killed. Well, there was a chance of that happening. I have to find Harry though.

"Zayn i have a flashlight on my phone."

"Then use it." I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. I pointed it foward. We were near machinery. It all looked old and rusty.

"Hey boss this is still warm." One of the men pointed to a chair. Liam walked over to it and made a signal to everyone. I heard everyone's gun cock.

I felt like at any minute we could all die. Al the lights turned on and i jumped. I didn't expect that to happen.

"I see everyone joined the party." We all turned around and there was a Tv screen broadcasting George.

"See i knew you all would come. So i planted death traps everywhere in this building. The exits are all locked down. Noone goes in noone gets out. Be careful with what you touch. I see Nichole came back." I felt myself become small.

"You got some nerves Nichole to come back. Now in less than 6 hours this building will blow into tiny little pieces. Goodluck." The tv screen went black but the lights stayed on.

I felt a part of American Horror Story. I decided to slip away from the guys. I went into a long corredor. All the walls were painted white.

I went all the way to the end. There were no doors no other passageways. What the. I pushed the end of the corredor back and a door revealed.

It was hidden. It camoflauged with the corredor. I stepped inside. Noone was inside. There were TV's all over the walls and a huge metal desk full of buttons and levers.

I think this is the control room. I ran out of there to get Zayn. I needed to tell them. They are here. George is here. I know it. I turned the corner in the corridor and someone grabbed me.

"Not this time! Your not getting away." He grabbed me and put a cloth to my mouth. I felt myself go dizzy and fell into George's arms. My vision went blurry and all i remember is seeing Samantha smirk at me and kiss someone. Harry?

1 hour later

I jump up from my sleep. I remember what happened. George drugged me with eter. It was a drug to make people fall asleep. My dad pnce talked about it.

I was watching a movie and the exact thing that happened to me happened to the main character and my dad explained what it was. I touched my surroundings. It was dark in here and i felt like i was in some kind of box.

I remember seeing Harry and Samantha kiss. Was that right? Harry betrayed me. Tears spilled out of my eyes. I loved Harry. I loved the way he pouted his lip like a child when he wanted something, the way he smiled everytime i told him i loved him, everything.

He remembered the small things about me that i didn't even bother to remember myself. I even thought of a future with him. He didn't want me. He just wanted Samantha. I wiped my tears. I needed to stop. I'm stronger than this.

Present time

I closed my eyes and prayed this was a dream. I was trapped. I pushed on the wall above me. The box was like 5 feet hide and 5 feet tall. It was pretty big. Everything was dark.

I tried to move to my left. I felt something on the floor. I jumped and moved to the right. There was someone here with me. Someone or something. I took a deep breath. All of a sudden i felt the wall above me sink a few inches down.

The wall is going to squish me. I'm going to die. If someone doesn't save me soon, i'll be dead when someone finds me. I don't know how long i've been in here. Maybe 2 or 3 hours.

Over that course of time i've been replaying the scene of Samantha kissing Harry over and over again. He was alive but wanted Samantha. I felt so broken.

I missed my parents so much. Harry used to take me to the cementary every Sunday to go put Tulips and Roses on their graves. Was everything that he told me a lie? Stop thinking about him.

The wall above me moved several inches down again. It lowered more often now. About 3 inches more and it would touch my head. It moved downward again. Crap. 1 inch. 2 inch. 3. 4. 5. Okay it stopped.

I had to lay down in order to be able to still be alive. I heard a strange sound. As if gears were turning. The wall moved down again. I heard a bone crack. It wasn't my bone though. I was gonna die. This is it.

6 more inches and my life is over. 1 inch. I live you mom. I'm sorry for everything. 2 inch. Dad i love you so much too you were always there for me and i apreciate everything you've done. 3 inch. I love you so much Harry Styles no matter what.

Tears were coming out of my eyes and i have never been so scared in my life. 4 inch. This is the moment i never wanted to cone in my life. 5 inch. I already felt so weak the wall was already touching my nose.

At that moment a bright light shone at me and a door opened. I felt my body be pulled out. Someone grasped me in their arms. I cried into their shoulder.

"There baby i'm here. It's over." Their voice said. I looked up Harry had me in his arms. The boy that broke my heart.

I pushed myself off his body.

"Your alive."

"Yea. I thought you would be more excited."

"Well i'm not. I saw you kiss her."  He ran his fingers thorugh his hair.

"That isn't what you think."

"Then what is it?"

"Look we have to get you out of here first okay? Then i'll tell you everything i promise."

"Can i ask you something first?" He nodded.

"Can i trust you."

"Nichole Garcia. I told you a long time ago that you can trust me and you still can." I nodded and he motioned me to go.

I followed behind him and noticed a white patch on his shoulder. That's where he got shot. Someone healed him.

"Wait Harry."


"Someone or something was in there with me." He went back to the box and opened it. I gaped at my sight. No. I never wanted anyone to get hurt. Not even Samantha.

Her head was smashed in between the the walls.

"She was dead before she was put in there. George shot her. I'll explain later. He grabbed my wrist and led me out of that room.

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