Chapter 20:

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"I remember something."

"What was it?" I ask eagerly.

"I took you home. From the hospital. I was talking about selling your house."

"Oh. It was the night my parents died." I sighed.

"I'm so sorry."

"No it's okay atleast you remember something." Zayn stood up aand said his goodbyes to us.

I decided to go take a shower. I grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom. I took off all my clothes. I cannot believe Harry was remembering.

I already missed him so much. I turned off he shower and wrapped the towel around myself. I went inside my closet and picked out some jeans and a shirt.

I put my hair in a ponytail and walked out. Harry was waiting for me in the dining table. He had candles on the table and It all looked beautiful.

"There she is." Harry said. I sat down across from him.

"I want to make this work." He looked at me. I blushed. He was trying. He really was.

"Thank you." I told him.

"Your welcome. If your wondering, i ordered pizza. It should be here in a few minutes." I nod.

"So tell me about yourself." He asks curiously.

"Ok. What do you want to know?"

"What do you do? Like, when i'm not home."

"Usually clean or cook."

"Really? You don't want to do something else like a job."

"I have thought about being a fashion designer."

"That's amazing. I should-" There was a knock on the door. Harry was about to get up but i stopped him.

"I got it." I stood up and walked over towards the door. I opened it and i stood utterly shocked at the person that stood on the other side of the door.

"Missed me you little skank." Samantha smiled. She handed me the pizza and walked right in.

She went over the Harry and kissed him. Harry just stood there clueless and didn't kiss her back.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Who are you?" He asked her.

"Stop acting." She flipped her hair back and smirked.

"Samantha he can't remember you." I close the door behind me and place the pizza on the table.

"Stop being a part of his act he remembers."

"No i really don't." Harry defended himself.

"What the hell did you do to him Nichole!" She looked over to me with her eyebrows furrowed in anger.

"Nothing! There was a car accident. He lost his memory." I honestly didn't know why i was telling her all of this.

She took a step towards me and shoved me back and i fell towards a glass vase behind me.

"Nichole!" Harry ran over to me. He helped me up and put his hand on my stomach.

"Is the baby ok?" He said nervously. I shook my head and ran towards the bathroom. I spilled out what was left inside of me out. After i was done i cleaned my mouth and placed my hand where the baby was.

"You're going to be ok. I promise you my little angel. I love you so much." I felt the baby kick me back in response and i smiled.

I made my way back into the living room and I saw Harry arguing with Samantha that he didn't remember her.

"You bitch! You seduced him and now your pregnant to win him over! You thief!" She was so mad. I just stood there in fear that she might harm my baby.

"You should go." I said with a little shake in my voice.

"Harry, here call me when you figure out she's lying." She handed him a slip of paper. She stomped out leaving me and Harry alone.

"Who was she?" He shoved the piece of paper in his pocket.

"Your ex. She cheated on you several times and you dumped her because you didn't feel anything for her anymore." He seemed so confused.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea. The baby kicked."

"I wish i would of felt it." I took his hand and placed it on my stomach and as a response the baby kicked. Harry had a smile across his face.

I knew he was lost but he would make a great father. I loved him no matter if he remembers or not. I wonder how Samantha survived.

She could walk perfectly fine and had no bruises. I was pretty sure she was dead. I didn't want to think about her any longer so i just shook all thoughts about her out of my head.

I opened the box of pizza but Harry stopped me from taking one.

"I'll make dinner. We never know what she did to it okay." I nodded.


Dinner was amazing. Harry made roasted chicken with vegetables on the side. I ate the food up quickly since i was very hungry. I wish i could know what Harry thought about this.

About Samantha, the guys, me. I felt like i'm the reason his whole world came crashing down on him.

"Are you okay?" I look up and see Harry glancing at me from across the table.

"Yea i'm fine. Just tired."

Harry washed all the dishes and i went into the room and rested under the blankets. A little while later there was a knock on the door.

"You know you don't have to knock right?" Harry walked in.

"Sorry. I'm trying to get used to it, but do you mind?" He asked pointing to the spot next to me in bed.

"No, i don't mind." He closed the door behind him and slid in next to me. He wrapped his arms around me. I looked up and found my eyes meeting with his beautiful green ones.

Harry's lips connected to mine and i savoured every moment of it. I missed kissing him. I missed every inch of Harry. I loved him. He pulled away from the kiss awkwardly and turned off his lamp.

I reached and i turned off my lamp. I cuddled in clise to him and felt his warmth. Soon i was drifting off to sleep and i felt Harry sit up suddenly on top of me.

"What have i done!"

"Harry what's wrong?" I sit up too holding on to his arm.

"I have to find Samantha! I love her!"He sat up quickly and ran out the door. I know i wasn't supposed to run but i couldn't help it. I ran after him and grabbed his arm before he could open the door.

"Did you remember something?" He turned around to look at me.

"Yes. I remember me and her on a bed. I think it was hers. I was on top of her and i told her i lover her. I saw how her eyes beamed and she was so happy. Then she told me she loves me too. I need to find her."

He pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket and his phone and opened the door and shut it behind him. I stood there tears forming in my eyes. Harry please come back.

He just left. He left in peace while i'm here feeling like someone has just stabbed me.

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