Chapter 12:

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Up above is Nichole's Outfit coming up soon...

Me and Harry let go of our kiss. I cover my mouth now realizing what we just did.

"You fucking skank! We break up and you already have his tongue down your throat!" Samantha screeches at me. Now i feel something inside of me snap.

"Im the Skank?? Your the one who sleeps with everyone and steals peoples boyfriends!" I step towards her.

"But what are you doing right now?!? Stealing my boyfriend." She takes a step closer.

"Enough! Were not dating!" Harry yells at her.

"You know what?have him Nichole! Your just his back up since he's single now." She walks out and slams the door behind her.

I look over at Harry who has his jaw clenched. I notice he does that when he's angry.

"Am i just your backup?" I look into his eyes which are now watery.


"Am i?"

"No your not."

"Prove it."

"How am i supposed to do that?"

"Figure it out Harry." I leave his room and go back into mine. I take off my shoes and crawl into bed.


I wake up to the sound of a thump. I open my eyes and realize someone's knocking on my door.

"Come in." I sounded so tired. Harry walked in and looked confused.

"I thought you would be up by now. Its 1." I sit up quickly.

"I didnt notice but what's up?"

"Do you wanna go somewhere?"

"Where to?"

"Its a surprise come on ill be leaving in an hour."  I nod and he leaves me alone. I shuffle to the bathroom. I turn on the lights and crawl into the shower.

I didnt know what to wear. I look in my closet and i gaped at my sight. My closet was full of new clothes. New shoes. New everything. I smile.

I choose on burgandy jeans, a white blouse, a jean jacket, and white converse. I keep my makeup simple as always and pick one of my brand new bags from the closet.

I see that one of my drawers is slighty open i open it and there is brand new jewelry everywhere. I pick a bracelet that suits my outfit and walk down the stairs.

Harry is on the couch with his phone in his hand. As soon as i hit the bottom stair he glances up and drops his phone. He quickly picks it up and stands up. He clears his throat.

"You look beautiful." I blush at his comment.

"Thanks and thank you for the clothes and jewelry."

"Oh but dont think im trying to buy you or anything i just thought you needed some new things."

"Oh no i didnt think that at all." He led me back to the garage. This time he chose the car. A McLaren. As we drove out a song was playing that we both recognized.

We started singing and Harry and i tried to hit the high note and busted out laughing. The rest of the way we sang almost every song and laughed so much our sides hurt.

We finally arrived at our destination. The movie theater? Harry Got out the car  and opened my door and held his hand out. I got out the car and took his hand.

Harry and i picked a funny movie and we walked over to the snack stand.

"What would you guys like?" The woman at the counter asked us.

"Sourpatches." Harry and i tell her at the same time. We start laughing and the lady gives us our candy. Harry pays and we make our way to our seats.

Harry puts his arm around me and i lay my head on his shoulder. As soon as the movie start we start laughing soo much and we enjoy ourselves.

After, we take a walk by the park.

"Tell me about your family." I tell Harry.

"Well my parents live in England and my sister. My sister's doing fashion right now so she travels alot. I havent seen them in a while though, i miss them. Me and my mom used to cook alot together for my dad and sister. It was so much fun."

"It sounds nice i never really spent alot of time with my parents but i do remember going alot to the movies with my dad."

Harry and i sat by a bench.


"Yes Harry."

"I really like you but i dont want to screw it up woth you."

"You wont." He leans in and kisses my cheek.

"Come on. Lets go." We make our way back to the car and back to the house.

"I dont want to sleep alone." Harry pouts his lip like a little kid.

"Your such a child!" I push his shoulder and giggle.

"Is that a yes." I nod. He comes with me upstairs and we lay on the bed. I stand up and take my shoes off and notice Harry is sound asleep. I try not to wake him up and take off my clothes to change. I find my pajamas and while i was about to slip on my pants i find Harry smirking at me.

"Oh my god! Harry!" I run into the bathroom and put my clothes on. I come out the bathroom and see Harry already took off his shoes.

"Baby im really hot." He takes off his shirt and jeans.

"Wow. Are you gonna sleep with just boxers?" I lift my eyebrows. He nods. I slip in next to him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Goodnight Nichole."

"Goodnight Harry."  I was closing my eyes when the door busts open.

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