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Mario's POV

Me and my bro Luigi had just come back from a long day of fighting Bowser and saving the Princess. "Boy, I'm tried bro!" I responded with "Yeah me too.." "I'm-a going to bed, bro.."Luigi said tiredly. "Ok bro, good night.." I replied. Then he left for bed. I eventually fell asleep on the couch but, I had-a the strangest dreams...

"Let-a my bro, and the others go!"

"Please, I've defeated all your new friends! what makes you think you can defeat me?!

"I...I-will stop you and-"

"Mario wake up!" someone said, it was Luigi. He looked very worried. "Bro are you okay?"he asked in a worried tone. "Yeah I'm-a fine, why?"I asked. " were saying weird things and your eye lids and your whole body was twitching...I was worried."He said cautiously. "Don't worry bro, it was just- a bad dream." I replied reassuringly.

"What time is it?" I asked. "It's around 9:00 am"he told me. "Okay, we better get going." I replied. "That dream...It felt so real." I thought to myself.

Time Skip

We were walking to the Princesses castle when suddenly... "MARIO!" "LUIGI!" "HELP!" I heard. Then I saw a Toad running towards us. "What's-a wrong?" I asked. "Where being attacked...again!" the Toad explained. "Bower?" I asked. "No, He says he has no relations to Bowser." He further explained. "Do you know why he's-a here or what he-a wants?" Luigi asked. "Well...he". He said nervously. We were both shocked. "Why does he want us?" I asked shocked. "He didn't state why, he just said if you both don't show up he'll destroy everything and everyone you care about.." He replied nervously to us. "Mario what do we do?" Luigi asked. "We can't risk the princess or Kingdom's safety, will confront this guy and find out why he wants us!" I replied cautiously. We both agreed and followed the Toad to where the attacker is. "I have-a the worst feeling about-a this." I thought to myself.

We made it to the nearest town the attack was attacking. We both saw the attacker. He was in a black cloak and he appeared to have a weird tattoo on his chest. "Who are you?"I asked. "I am Hakai, and you both will come with me willingly or I will force you both." he said. We both looked at each other a bit-a nervous to answer...he then smirked and teleported right in front of us. "Hmm...No answer fine, my master said I can't kill you...but, he didn't say anything about you being in one piece!" He seem stated. He then grabbed me and Luigi and threw us into a building. I was still awake but, Luigi was out cold. " least one of you will keep things interesting" Hakai said as he walked up to me.                                                                   The I got up weakly, trying to keep my balance intact. I threw fire balls rapidly but, he dogged all of them. He then upper cutted me into the air then teleported and slammed me into the ground. I tried getting up but, before I could, Hakai grabbed me by the neck. "I'll play my masters game for now, you two and the others may even be useful to me when my time comes but, for now you and your pathetic brother work for Master Hand..." He whispered to me. Then everything went dark.

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