Uncivilized Notations Chapter 13

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 My name is Nova Schmidt.

 I am a demon.

 And it felt as if everything around me had been falling to pieces.

 Just last night I had been laying on the ground until there was a crash, now I stand in a field with grass around me as the demon hunter who almost killed Vivi holds a shot gun. Around the field had been several bodies, those bodies had been people I had seen in my travels this past month. 

 Xavier and Adam.

 Doll and Uncle Mike.



  On the inside I had been crying, it felt as if every single emotion at once attacked me, like I had been drowning under water. But on the outside, not a single tear had been shed, I had to stay strong, I couldn't give in to my weakness. I brushed the blonde hair out of my face, my eyebrows furrowed as I glared at the demon hunter, Damien.

 "Who...the hell do you think...you are..." I slowly raised my hand in front of me, a ball of fire floating above my hand now. 

 His lips curved up into a smirk as I lightly growled, "Oh well I think I am a demon hunter who is going to kill you. By spilling your beautiful crimson red demon blood on the olive green grass soon. It was hard you know, killing these people, though they had connections to you, a demon. Infected with the seed you implanted in them, that you were actually a good person. Heh...as if..your kind is just all bad and horrible."

 I bit my bottom lip then retorted back, "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING YOU ASSWIPE! I KNOW I'M NOT KIND AND NICE LIKE THEM! I'M HORRIBLE! MEAN! SELF-CENTERED! AND MOST OF ALL INCONSIDERATE OF OTHERS! BUT THAT IS ME! NOT ALL OF US! DON'T HURT THE PEOPLE WHO ARE INNOCENT..." I paused taking a deep breath, "You call me a monster. And yet....I don't go around killing people...innocent people who have done nothing wrong!" 

 Taking another deep breath, just as he opened his  mouth to talk I charged at him, pushing my hand that had a ball of fire in it against his chest. I looked up to be surprised it had done nothing, I gritted my teeth, "WHY YOU FUCKTA-" I had been cut off mid-sentence to find that he had used his shot-gun and shot me in the stomach. 

 My eyes widened as I stumbled back, both hands being put over my stomach, and I felt as blood began piling out of my body, and streaming down my side. I fell to my knees, and coughed up blood onto the olive grass. My whole body shivered, I felt like giving up, like crying. I lifted up my head and looked at Damien, a grin upon my face, and I began cackling. 
   "Hehehe! HAHAH! Y-YOU THINK A TOY LIKE THAT CAN END ME!" I slowly stood back up, giving him a menacing look. "Y..YOU THINK ONE SHOT FROM FROM SOMETHING AS PUNY AS THAT WILL KILL ME JUST LIKE THAT! NEWS FLASH DUMBASS I'M ALREADY DEAD!" My left eye twitched while saying all this.

 Soon I felt as more bullets had been shot at my stomach, I stumbled back more as I tried to ignore the pain, as I tried to ignore the mass amount of blood escaping my body. I fell to the ground, laying there on my side, I just wanted to sleep. To give up, but I knew I couldn't, I couldn't do anything. 

 I heard Damiens voice, but only barely, "Well well well. Got a lot of pride do you? Too bad it won't matter in the end, Nova Schmidt failing to even defend herself. Have a nice....long nap in hell..." That had been all I remembered, everything went black, I had been engulfed in darkness, like all those dreams. I had expected by now to be in hell, but no I was still in darkness. It felt like I would be this way forever.

Not like anything mattered anymore, in all honesty no one would miss me would they? I'm just a stuck up girl who has no place in this god awful world, trapped in the body of my seven year old self. So why does it matter, why does anything matter. I'm just useless in the long-run, with both Nolan and Sarah being powerful and what not, then there's Mabel as well. And I just...I'm nothing more than an idiotic demon who doesn't know shit for her own good.

 I know none of them would miss me. For sure Nolan wouldn't, after everything I know he wouldn't care if I were to die and be gone, but that's my fault, if I were a better cousin maybe it would've been different. I also know that Mabel wouldn't mind me being gone, I hate her, and she hates me, we wouldn't mind if the other one died in the end. Then with Dylan, he would do better off with having me the pesky demon friend there, that always starts shit, he will actually be able to start a normal life. And Sarah...she...wouldn't care if I were gone, she has better things to worry about than someone of the likes of me, she doesn't need to be taking care of useless garbage like me. 

 Sometimes I wonder why there is this thing called life, why it's worth living, why can't we just ignore everything. Well...that of course is simple really, why it's worth living, the answer is as easy as pie. The reason as to why it's worth living, friends. Sure that sounds cheesy and all but, it's true, my life has been different that most others. But there are people in the world who have lives worse than I, different to say the least. 

 When I had woken up on a couch with a blanket on me, and two brown eyes watching me, I had thought his was a dream, I was wrong of course, like always. This had been Sarah, I sat confused for minutes wondering why her of all people was here, I felt pain as well though and tried to move but she shook her head. So I sat there, trying not to move as much as possible.

 "I-" I had been caught up by her way embrace(Hug not kiss you idiot), she wrapped her arms around me as I did to her. 

 "Shut up Nova...you're just going to say you're sorry for getting hurt...that it wouldn't matter....that no one would care!" Sarah paused for a moment, and I could feel her shivering, and felt tears touch my shoulder, "Don't say anything! You think I wouldn't care...how could I not...you're...you're like my best friend I have ever had! I don't know what I would do with out you! And I..." She paused once more before continuing, Sarah had looked at me in the eyes trying to wipe away her tears, "And I love you dearly." I saw Sarah had put a hand over her chest.

 I didn't know what to say, I was flustered to be quite honest, scared, and...happy I guess. I motioned for her to get closer, maybe just this once I could do something right, as she got closer I leaned over some, placing a peck on her cheek then leaned back. Not saying a word through this all, that already explained how I felt for her.

 And that my friends...that had been the story of how I ran away. But in the end, you can never truely run away.

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