After all these years Chapter 5

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On the plane I slept this time. I wasn't in the mood for staying awake for about an hour and a half. So I slept.

Like always I was shrouded in darkness. And then a setting had formed around me. At first I didn't know what it was. Then it hit me, literally I was hit in the face with something.

I realized this was a memory before I had left. When I was fighting Nolan. Or trying to...I now realize it's better to just ignore him. Rather than try to kill him.

But right now he had tackled me. I was staring at him as he stared right back at me. He had a big grin upon his face. I knew this wasn't the real Nolan I hated so.

This was what we would call Evil Nolan. He was still Nolan and I hated him. But this one...was way too powerful for me. I wouldn't ever stand a chance against him.

I pushed him off. Then glared him. If I was me in the memory I had to relive it like how it was. He glared at me and we stood there glaring.

Until I ran at him and pushed him to the ground. Then I proceeded to put my foot on his chest.

"You were always the disgrace of the family." I said was hatred in my cold voice.

He just looked at me saying like a maniac, "Oh really? Says the demon who killed her Dad."


He just grinned, "Your anger just powers me."

Then he took a hold of my leg and flipped me off him. I fell to the ground. I tried to get up but when I did. Nolan grabbed me by my arm and threw my into a tree.

I then woke up and almost screamed from the pain I had felt in the dream. I put my hands over my mouth and took deep breaths. I was the real idiot. He was one too but I was more of one.

The plane had landed and was letting people off. When I got off I got my backpack then took a taxi to the Walmart near by. I needed some food.

When I got to the Walmart there was a cherry stand outside. And a girl was standing behind it. I loved cherries. So I walked over.

When I saw the girl I realized she looked like the little shy girl from my dream a while back. Eh must've been a coincidence.

"Can I have a bag of cherries please?" I said grabbing my wallet out of my bag.

The girl then replied saying really quietly, "Y-yes...."

"I'm sorry what was that?" I said as I leaned in a little closer to hear her.

"Yes...." She said still really quiet.

"Can you say that again?" I then leaned in closer and ended up knocking over the whole stand.

Both of us were sitting on the ground covered in cherries. We looked at each other. For a moment we both were quiet. Then burst out laughing.

I stood up then helped her up.

"Sorry I knocked over your stand. What's your name by the way? I'm Nova Schmidt." I said laughing a bit still.

She then replied smiling, "I'm Vivi Barsby-wait...Nova Schmidt?"

I nodded a little confused, "Yep that's my name....don't waste it."

"Sorry it's just when I was a kid...I had a friend with that exact name. She was my only friend I had and ever had. It's funny how some friends you just wish you could have forever." Vivi said calmly.

"Really? That's cool!" I said with joy in my voice.

She nodded then said, "It's funny because she had the same blonde hair like you. And green eyes as well. I guess I could say...she was the reason I really wanted to continue growing cherries. But...last I know about her she was dead..."

I was confused now..Vivi had looked like the girl from my dream. Not just but also, she was talking about cherries which were in my dream as well...hmmmm.

"This is actually really funny." I said a little serious but laughing.

She tilted her head and said, "what is?"

"Well you look like this little girl from one of my dreams that happen to be a memory. And not just that but I was the other kid in the dream and me and the girl went to pick cherries." I said rubbing the back of my head.

Her eyes widened, "Did the girl you pick cherries with happen to hide behind her mom as well?"

"Yeah..." I said.

Vivi smiled, "That girl then was me. So that must mean you are the Nova I know...but how are you alive? Your dad had told us you were dead...then he went to prison but that's besides the point."

"Oh that. Well you see I ended up coming back as a demon. And killed my dad. It's really confusing and I prefer not to get in-" I said to be interrupted by a hug from Vivi.

She hugged me saying, "Sorry for interrupting you but, you wouldn't stop talking. As well as I've been waiting for a long time to hug you again."

She was smaller then me so I just patted her head. "It's fine, I need to go though...and find a hotel. I'll catch up with you later."

"Wait hotel? Nonsense! You can stay at my place I have a spare bedroom you can use." She said letting go.

I put my wallet away then looked at her, "Oh ok. Thanks! That's really nice of you."

She smiled and said, "Your welcome. It's not a big deal really, Ever since my mom moved into her boyfriends house I've been living there ever since. I still have the cherry tree in the back yard."

My jaw dropped, " continued growing that thing? I thought you had given up on it."

She shaked her head, "Nah I hadn't. It was one of the only things I could hold onto from when I was a kid. Now come on let's go!"

She took my hand and led me to her house that was down the street. I remembered this house. I came here only a few times. But I knew it like the back of my hand. It was weird though being here. After so long...

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