Chapter 18.

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Zaid's P.O.V

Today is the meeting with Sheikhs. I had not slept whole night yesterday. Her face kept on flashing in front of my eyes.

Her smile was genuine she was looking happy with him. God knows who is he I have to know its my duty to protect her. I had promised myself to protect her and I have to do it.

I cant let her ruin her life anymore. Knock on my door brought me back from the chain of my thoughts. It was my P.A.

"Sir meeting will be in 1 hour we should leave now." She informed me. I nodded and went out with her. We sat into my car as the driver drove us towards the restaurant.

After one hour we reached there. When we went inside my heart picked up the rate when I saw her again sitting with that guy.

She was doing something on her phone. They both were sitting too close to eachother like they are couple.

I pushed all the negative thoughts aside and moved toward their table. I think he is also some client. He glared at me when I went towards them and sat beside Shagufta but she didn't bothered to look up.

"Its Zaid Malik" I introduced myself just hearing my name her head snapped up towards me her eyes widdened, I smirked at her.

"You..!!!" She started but Sheikhs beat her to it. Too bad I wanted to hear whatever she had in her mind.

I sat beside her as the meeting started and then I came to know that she works for him. His name is Shaan Memon.

The Sheikh had choosen my company and Shaan company to design for them. Because of which we have to work together for 1 month hence I have to stay in LA for 1 month till this project is completed.

"Tomorrow their will be a small party over here. You all are invited. Mr. Malik you should bring your fiance also to the party it will be fun." When Sheikh completed his sentance Shagufta looked at me with tears in her eyes. I wanted nothing more than to hug her.

She than excused herself "i need to use washroom." with that she ran away.

I dont know why she did that. She had already knew about Nisha why to react like this then.? Shaan kept on glaring at me.

After exact 10 minutes she came back and took her seat again. She gave a assuring smile to Shaan. Which made my blood boil. Why the hell she is so close to him.?

After our dinner, suddenly Shaan stood up and asked Shagufta for her hand she looked confused but put her hand in his making me ball my hand into a fist.

"Well can I have your all attention please" he asked us and all nodded him to continue ofcourse except me.

He sat on his knees infront of her and took her hand in his and started "Shaggy I know this looks weird but we had known each other for almost 5 years. I had always liked you but in these 1 year i fell for you. I love you Shaggy." she was looking at him shocked. I wanted beat him to pulp but one wrong move and this deal will be out of my hand.

"my knees are hurting now Shaggy please say something." He pleaded. She made him stand up and... hugged him...!!!

How can she do that. I gripped the table too tightly. I want to break his face into two.

Everyone in the restraunt were clapping and cheering. "Lets go" I ordered my P.A. not able to take all the bullshit anymore. I bid my goodbyes to Sheikhs and glared at Shaan who was holding Shagufta by her waist.

I was fuming with anger his every move was provoking me. We reached our hotel and I directly went into my room and called Nisha. After three rings she pick up the call.

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