Chapter 3.

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Shagufta P.O.V

We went back to my house to prepare for rukhsati. I had not seen my husband yet and honestly I cant wait anymore to have a glimpse of him.

I went inside the house followed by my mom, sister, friends and in-laws.

Dinner was served for the guest in our garden which was turned into the wedding venue.

"You guys should go and eat now." I asked my sister to take my friends with her for dinner. They were my guest, as much as I want them to stay by my side. I don't want them to starve.

"Saima take your sister to her room. she need to have some rest. Saima.? Where did she just disappeared.?" my mom frowned.

"Mom, I asked her to take my friends for dinner." I said a bit hesitantly. I don't want to get scolded in front of my in laws. Her lips turned into a thin line.

"Aunty is it okay if I go with her.? Actually i need to spend some time with my sister in law." she asked stressing 'sister-in-law' on purpose.

"Yes of course, go ahead and don't hesitate to ask me if you need something." my mom smiled at us.

"Sure." she handed her daughter to her mother mouthing her something at which my mother in law nodded.

She helped me up the stairs. I unlocked my door and felt embarrassed because my room was a mess with cloths everywhere.

"I am sorry, but the whole preparation and packing my stuff took a toll on me. Hence, I was not able to clean my room.?" I made it sound more like a question.

Stupid me. She chuckled.

"Oh God, where why manners had gone.? Please take a seat." I hurriedly picked up the cloths sprawled around my bed and threw it in my cupboard. I don't have that fancy walk in closet like Saima. My room is simple with pale pink walls and a queen sized bed. And of course a study table with loads of novels on it.

She sat on the bed and pulled me down to sit beside her.

"You don't have to get all worked up. I had the same condition of my room when I got married to Aahil even worst than this. So just relax." She is such a sweet heart.

"You love to read novels.?" she asked me surprised.

"Yes, my friends call me a book worm." we both chuckled at that.

"Actually, Zaid too have a thing for novels. His favourite genre are classic romance, mystery and paranormal."

"Paranormal and romance are my favourite too but not classic one. Classic stuff just bore me to death." honestly I don't understand what they are trying to convey half the time.

"I agree with you. I don't like to read but sometimes when I used to get bored I had read his novel once or twice. The way the swirl and twirl their words makes world swirl." we chatted from everything to anything. I came to know that Zaid love anything made of chicken. His favourite sport is football and stuff like that.

But then she told me something which made me kind of worried.

"You are a nice girl. We all love you but Zaid is hard headed guy. You will have to keep up with his temper. He have anger issue. But at the end of the day he can give his life for the people he loves. Make him fall in love with you like you did to us." She only made everything thousand times complicated for me. I was about to ask her that if he had done this marriage willingly or was he forced into it.

But my mum beats me to it. The door opened of my room. My mum entered looking everywhere but at me. Her behaviour made me frown.

"Its time for rukhsati." she said and left. I was hoping for her to at least hug me but she didn't.

"Lets go." my sister in law smiled me. I looked around my room one last time and left for my waiting future.

We went downstairs everyone was waiting for us. I saw my dad and brother talking to my father in law. I went towards them. I hugged my father first.

As expected he didn't even shed a single tear. He placed his hand on my head and left with my father in law.

I turned to my brother and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"Hey don't cry you will mess your make up which will lead to make you look like a walking zombie and we have kids over here." I hit him on his shoulder sniffing and laughing a bit.

"I hate you." I cried as I hugged him again.

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