Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Kaylee for supporting me with my story

      I woke up at 5:30am, dressed up for school,ate my breakfast and stuffed the silver pen and notebook in my bag . But before I left, I could hear a loud screech from my bedroom. Remembering that Silver Wing was there I quickly dashed up the staircase, opened the door to my room and saw my dragon walking around my room impatiently. I patted his rough head and told him to go back to the dragon realm.

        As usual, he refused to go and followed me to school. I sighed hoping that nobody saw him. And apparently no one did. I looked around the street, passersby walked passed me as if they did not see the horse sized dragon following me. I looked at Silver Wing and thought maybe only the person that created him could see him. I smiled knowing I could now bring him to school.

        I reached my school, as usual there were popular kids walking around with the latest gossip and gadgets. The bullies being bullies. The geeks walking to the school library. The average kids ( like me ) were well being average.

        Silver Wing nudged my back, as if to tell me that he was still there. I loked at him wondering if he was hungry. So I led him behind the school and quickly drew a large chunk of meat. Watching it as i slowly pulled it out with my hand, and threw it to my dragon. I smiled watching him happily eat the meat.

         I walked to my locker, taking out my stuff out of it. And walked to my first period , Math. It had to be math. I thought to myself, feeling irritated. Silver Wing followed me around the winding halls, of the school , dodging each and every student. Until I arrived in my classroom. I lead him in the classroom, making him stay at the back of the classroom. Telling him to keep quiet and to stay still.

          I looked around the classroom, making sure no one was looking at the spot where Silver Wing is. I noticed one boy with hair as black as night and green eyes looking at the spot Silver Wing sat on. I looked at him, as my teacher, Ms. Black, called for my attention. I gulped as I looked at my teacher. She pointed on the board a math problem, that I clearly did not know how to answer. I stood up, my mouth open trying to say something , but can't. Suddenly the bell rang, a blew a sigh of relief as I walked out of my classroom with Silver Wing behind me. And my teacher glaring as I walked out of her class.

          The boy that was looking at Silver , slowly came up to me. Staring into me and then to Silver Wing. He nod his head and pulled out a golden notepad and pen. Identical to the silver one I had. I looked at them in awe, as he started to draw something on it.

           " You must be Tia, right?" He asked curiosly.

             I nodded my head. "Why do you ask?" I asked back to him.

            " Well, I guess your grandpa never told you he had an apprentice did he." The boy smiled. " I was the one who crafted the pen, you know your grandfather did the rest." He continued. " Oh! I almost forgot. The name is Jason." He gave me another grin, and showed me his drawing. I stared in awe of his drawing, noticing that it too was a dragon. It showed a dragon with a thick body and a long sleek neck. It's scales were yellow, shading lighter to his underside and darker to the top. On the end of the tail was a long pointed stinger. It had short limbs with four long claws on each foot. It had a small set of wings for a big dragon. And the eyes were the ones that captured me the most, they were beautiful ruby red orbs, sparkling right at me. As if it was waiting to come alive.

        " I saw your dragon over there." Jason pointed to Silver Wing. " Whats his name?" He asked.

         " Silver Wing." I promptly replied, watching him touch Silver Wing's scales.

         " He is a beautiful dragon, if i have to say so myself. You drew him very well." Jason said briskly. " Your grandpa sent me to tell you about the powers this pen and notepad does, but i guess you found out already. You should follow me later at the end of school. Your grandpa wants to see you.

            I nodded my head and slowly walked away, as Jason too went to his next class. Somewhere along the way, Silver Wing just disappeared and seem to reappear at lunch. Wondering where he went, I did not notice my best friend sit next to me.

             I smiled at her. " Hi Margo." I said.

             " Hi Tia. Why are you so secretive lately?" She asked me.

             I felt a small lump in my throat, as I did not want to lie to her. " Well, um I am just really busy lately." I told her, which was not a lie I really am busy with my dragon. Watching Silver Wing as he slowly stuck his head in Margo's bag. I tried to swat him away from it, but he still won't give up.

             " Hey! Whats with all the swatting Tia." She asked me.

              " Um, there was a fly near you." I lied, watching her look at me as if i was a weirdo. Soon lunch had ended, I slowly walked to my next period, Science. And after that the whole day seem to fly by quickly.

                 Looking left and right, I finally found Jason and soon both of us were riding on Silver Wing going to grandpa's house.

                  " Well here we are." Jason said, as he walked to the front porch. Opening the door, I looked at the books that covered the place, there were books on shelves, floor, under chairs and tables, in the kitchen and basically everywhere I could see a bunch of books. Nearly tripping over a pile of books about pixies, I balanced myself as I continued walking.

                " Your grandpa is not here for the day." Jason told me, while leading me up to his room, he slowly opened the door letting me in. I gasped as I looked around it.

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