Chapter 9

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  Ari growled in frustration in her tent. Looking at the bare land where her brain washed dragons used to stay. She walked out of her tent, she sat on a rock and fiddled with her long hair. " What will I do now." She muttered to herself. " I must be strong." She sighed. " If it wasn't for my creator, that boy and the two pesky little dragons my plan would have been a total success." Ari growled to herself.

  She heard some flapping noises near her. She quickly turned her head around to see the dragon she gave the potion too. Ari soon was grinning ear to ear, walked up to the brown dragon and petted it's head. Congratulating it for it's accomplishment. " Perfect!" Ari purred to herself. " All hope is not loss after all." She smiled and laughed evilly and went in her tent. She soon came back out with a large saddle ( big enough for a dragon ). She quickly attaches it to her mind controlled dragon and soon both were on their way to their victim.


  I soon woke up to the sound of her mother calling for her. I quickly dressed up in jeans and a yellow shirt, put on my sneakers and stuffed my notepad and pen in her backpack. Quickly walking down the stairs I greeted my parents and my little sister good morning. And soon was off to school.

  I meet up with Margo, she was surprisingly not surrounded with people. She was wearing a cute little lavender sun dress with a brown belt buckle and light cream sandals. I greeted her good morning. We walked to our first period class ( which was History ). As usual I sat on the sixth row last girl and Margo sat in front of me. And surprisingly Jason was next to me. Wondering what he was doing there since if I recall his first period today was Math.

  When the period was over Margo went over to me, pestering me about questions with Jason. I gave her a deadly stare and simply answered each and every question with a " Nothing is going on between us, we're just friends." And every single time I answer she would pout and her shoulders would slump down. I felt guilt in the inside, I really wanted to tell her about the notepad and pen.

  Soon the bell rang and we had to part our ways. Margo walked away from me, going to her next class. I was just there rooted on the spot still debating whether or not to tell her. The whole day seemed to pass by without any commotions. So, I brought out Silver Wing from my notepad and rode on him. Wondering, if I could make a saddle for dragons, cause his back is quite rough.

  Landing on the front of my house, we went in. Walking up the stairs as usual. I seemed to not be in a hurry today. Putting my bag on the floor, I quickly jumped on the bed, as if I had no problems in the world. Silver Wing went over to my backpack and took my notepad and pen. He flipped the page to one which was empty and walked to me, shoving me the pen. I smiled and scratched his chin, he responded with a soft purr. Walking over to my desk, I took the notepad and walked back on my bed. I drew a beautiful silver and opal saddle, decorated with small pearls and fine silver etchings. Looking at the drawing, I thought it was a tad bit too fancy, but still Silver Wing seemed to like it. So I peeled it out of the page till the saddle came out full enough. I saddled it on top of Silver Wing and seemed to fit just perfectly.


  Back in the noteped, Ari was in the middle of her business, flying around the land till she reached the place where no dragon ever went too. The place where even her creator never knew about. She slowly got out of her dragon. Walking towards the entrance of the dark cave that stood fifty feet high , she simply smiled at herself. " This will be so fun..... for me not for Creator." She said evilly, continuing down the cave. Her dragon suddenly stopped and ran away, leaving it's master. Staring at the dragon fly away Ari cursed at it saying it was weak. " Why that dragon had to leave me here." She growled in frustration. " Oh well as if I really needed that dragon, I have all the dragon I need in this cave." Ari continued, as she touched the stone walls, they were cold to the touch just as Ari's heart was. She stopped suddenly, hearing sounds and lots of growling. Ari turned around knowing that 'The Thing' was here the one that all dragons feared. She smiled and laughed at it, as if mocking the thing.

  " Reveal yourself!" She shouted, as she took out a matchstick from her pocket, and lit it. She looked around to see if the thing was still there. " I said. Show yourself!" She shouted louder this time. Then she saw scales moving, dancing as the light flickered away. Ari looked at her match, it no longer lit a flame. She growled irritably and lit a new one. She then saw the thing was looking straight at her. It stood a thirty feet tall dragon, with serpentine body with a long tail. It had short legs with four long sharp claws, but that did not stop it from being quick as a snake. It's scales were in a fine gray color, shading darker to it's hindquarters. On the end of it's tail was long hooks, peering out of it's tail. It had large wings with sharp edges. And it's eyes were the color of charcoal.

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