Chapter 4

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  I woke up the very next morning, ignoring my alarm clock . I stretched my arms and slowly crawled out of my bed. Looking at my desk and my silver notepad and pen. Opened on the page where it showed Silver Wing looking regal and poised, he was sitting on top of a high rock and all the other dragons were looking at him. I smiled happy with the picture. I stood up and walked over to the desk, sat on my chair and started to draw a girl, about the age of twenty two. She had hair as black as night that reached all the way to her hips tied in a braid. She was a tall looking woman, her pose looked as if she was a snotty queen. It reminded me of the Queen of Hearts somehow. Her eyes shaped like almonds, it glowed bright green. She has a very slender build. She was wearing something that resembled a kimono. It was brown and white in even proportions, it also looked like it was made with feathers. She was holding a bow on one hand and a sword in the other, bows clung to her back with a strap.

    I smiled at the drawing, but it seemed wrong so i quickly ripped it out of my notepad and threw it in the trashcan. Not knowing the the paper I threw started to peel teh girl peeled out of the paper and slid in my notepad. I went to my bathroom, took a shower, changed clothes and went down to eat breakfast. My mother did the usual thing she did every morning. I stuffed the silver pen and notepad in my bag quickly before leaving the house.

   I arrived at my school, looking around to find Margo or Jason, but I did not find a trace. I expected this since Margo was the smart pretty girl of the class, so everyone wanted to be with her. But how she ended up being the best friend of a wallflower is a mystery. But still I wondered where Jason went though, I wanted to ask him questions I was not able to ask yesterday. I slowly walked to my first period, French. ( Yes I am in French class cause we have to pick at least one language to learn.) I walked to the classroom, slowly opened the door and sat on my respective seat.

   Looking at my teacher, Mrs. Glenn. I watched her point to some words on the blackboard, reciting them and explaining what each single word meant. But I was clearly not paying attention. Well at least she rarely ever notices me. The bell rang faster than I thought it should, I slowly walked out of the classroom, bumping into Jason and dropping my stuff. He smiled at me picking up the things I dropped on the ground.

  " You dropped this Tia." He said, handing me my stuff.

   " Thanks, Jason." I said, slowly taking my books from his hands. " Um. You never told me how grandfather brought you into his house. Don't you have parents ,cause you have a room in his house." I said curiously.

   " Well um, its a long story, but I will tell you about it." He said. " I was an orphan, when I was around six. I came knocking at his door, begging for food or money. All he did was smile at me. I thought it was weird at the beginning. He soon invited me into his house, he gave me lemonade and a couple of cookies. He then soon asked me to write a short story on a piece of paper. And so I did, when I finished he took the pen and paper from me and read the story. It was about a sorceress that meets her match, she meets the biggest spell that changes her life. It was not a good story, but it was not bad either more in the middle. Your grandfather was impressed by me and took me in his house. Not as a son though as an apprentice. He gave me a room, saying I may do whatever I wanted with it so long as I did not blow things up. So I followed his one simple instruction and we soon became very close until he gave me the magic pen and notepad. It changed everything I knew about and I learned the magic of believing and being inspired with stories. I really look up to him until now." Jason finished as I listened carefully to his story. But before I could ask anymore questions the bell rang, signaling for my next period, English. I sighed walking to my next class, looking at Jason as he slowly went the other direction.

      The rest of the day seemed to fly by really quickly, as usual. At lunch I opened my notepad, flipping to the page where Silver Wing was drawn on. He quickly peeled out of the page, eager to come out. I smiled and rubbed his forehead. I brought out my lunch to see that y lunch was a tuna sandwich. I looked at it, not having an appetite, I threw the tuna part to my dragon and stuffed the rest back in the lunch bag. I noticed someone slowly squeeze next to me. I noticed it was Jason, I looked at him with a curious look, wondering why he would sit next to me.

       " So you were an orphan huh." I said, starting the conversation. I watched him nod his head sadly. I flipped to the page where I tore out the picture of the girl in the kimono. The ripped edges still shown on it. Jason took a quick glance at the ripped edges, his face looking alarmed.

     " What did you draw on that page?" Demanded Jason.

       " A girl , with some weapons. Why do you ask?" I asked curiously.

      " Oh gosh, I almost forgot to tell you yesterday that once you rip off a page from that notebook, the thing you drew on it will get mad at the artist who drew it. It will seek revenge , cause nobody would want to be thrown in a garbage can cause the person simply does not like it.

      I gulped guiltily. " Um, I threw the drawing in the trashcan." I said guiltily.

       Jason stared at me wide eyed. He started mumbling to himself in anger, telling himself that he should have told me.

      " Its OK as long as we track down that thing and destroy it for good." He sighed. " I should have told this yesterday. I am so stupid. You should have burnt it when you do something like that." He sighed again.

       " Don't worry i think its still in my trashcan, in my bedroom." I said, trying to reassure him. He looked like he was starting to calm down. I smiled and patted Silver Wing's back. I steadied myself on him and started to make him fly.

          " You coming or what?" I said to Jason. Watching him pull out his golden notepad and stared as a dragon with fine translucent scales, the color of the sun. It has a muscular body with a wide tail and neck. On the end of it's tail was a hook like extension. It had four long claws on each foot. It had a large set of wings. It's eyes were almond shaped and the color looked like varnished wood.

          " You bet I am." He shouted back at me, he hopped on his dragon making it fly at extreme speeds. I did the same with my dragon, we raced around the school, twisting and turning around several students that don't even seem to mind. 

            Silver Wing landed on the same spot we started, I smiled happy to be the first one to win the race. Jason's dragon came shortly afterwards. Its tongue dropping out of it's mouth. I giggled clearly the dragon was not exercised well. And just for that moment the problem about the girl disappeared from my mind.

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