Chapter 7

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   I sat in my room, thinking of a way to know where Ari goes and stay updated in what she does. I pondered, wondered , thought but still I came out puzzled. Silver Wing tried to comfort me several times by trying to make me laugh or do a few stunts, but nothing worked I still and always was worried ever since Ari came. I slowly walked over to my desk, flipped the pages till I stopped on an empty page. I started to draw something. I drew a man about the age of twenty. He had green narrow eyes. He stood up straight and his hair was the color of obsidian, worn in an exotic style. He wore red and white armor that blended to his surroundings, which was the red forest in my world. I smiled as I finished drawing him. Then I got an idea, I could make men and women to be the dragon riders, they will help and guide the dragons and even fight Ari away from my world. I smiled proudly at myself for thinking this up.

    " I must give him a dragon and a name ." I told myself and I did. I wrote in cursive 'Augustus Black' . I smiled happy with the name. " Now for the dragon." I told myself. I drew a dragon with a long neck and body. It's scales were the color of fine china, getting thicker at the back. It had long powerful limbs with four sharp claws in each foot. It had strange looking wings that start from the shoulder to the tip of his tail. It had almond shaped eyes the color of fine jade. I smiled as I finished drawing the dragon, I will leave it up to Augustus to name him and name the species. I yawned and slowly changed to my PJ's and went to my bed. Slowly I drifted asleep.

     The next day when I woke up, I heard a knock on the door. I sighed, knowing it was a Sunday, who would try to wake me up at six in the morning. I grumpily walked up to my door and opened it. Jason walked into my room, he was looking at it as if in disgust. ( Well his room was neater than mine, mine's is just plain messy )

      " What do you want?" I asked Jason.

      " Did you get the solution, of the Ari problem?" He asked me. I nod my head and told him to look at the picture I drew of Augustus, luckily he was just there he did not move a single inch from last night. Jason smiled and touched the drawing, I could tell he was impressed.

      " Nice job with the drawing, also nice name too. So these men will be the people to help the dragons with the Ari problem." He told me. I simply nod my head.

       " I still have a lot of work to do I have to draw more of them, name them all and give each one a dragon. Can you do me a favor and get in my world and tell each and every single one of them what their role is in here." I asked him.

       " Sure, why not." Jason smiled and flipped my notepad, stopping at the page where the entrance to my world was and soon he was sucked in it. I soon continued drawing each person, dragon and naming each of them. Soon after an hour or so, Jason came out of my world, both of us successful. Jason in telling around fifty men and dragons what their job is and me for drawing and naming fifty dragons and men.

       Stuffing my notepad and pen in my bag, both of us went out of my house, Silver Wing following us closely behind. Walking to my grandfather's house, we stopped as grandpa greeted us and welcomed us to his house. He asked us questions about the problem with Ari and how I was doing with the new power given to me. I answered each question hurriedly, until I could finally ask grandpa my question. 

      " So grandpa, where is your pen and notepad?" I asked him.

       He smiled and went to get it. He soon came back after a couple of minutes and showed us a titanium notepad and pen. He slowly opened it showing us his world. It showed a land of many creatures, legendary ones and ones that you could see in a zoo or safari , but what made it different was that when I looked at a giraffe there, it's neck was not long and it's spots were purple. The whole place seemed random to me, but I guess it fitted my grandfather well since he was a random man. One moment he would be happy the next he would be steaming mad then the next he would be calm as if nothing had happened.

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