Chapter 6

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     Looking through my notepad, I stared frustratingly. Having the urge to get Ari and claw and scratch and well I think you got the picture. I mean how could she do this to innocent baby dragons. Looking once again on my notepad I sighed and walked to my bathroom and quickly changed into casual clothes. Brushed my hair, ate breakfast, got my notepad and pen and stuffed it in my bag and brought out my dragon I quickly balanced myself on his back.

     Silver Wing flapped his wings, soon we were up in the sky. I made him go to grandpa's house, wanting to talk to Jason about this dilemma.  Soon we landed in front of grandpa's house. I lead Silver Wing in with me. I called for Jason in the house. Knowing that no one was there except Jason, cause grandpa was always out and when he was in he was busy reading or writing  a book. I quickly opened his door and quickly told him about Ari.

      " So, what can we do." I asked him.

       " We have to track her down, corner her in one page and tear her off and dispose of her properly." He told me briskly. As I nodded my head, listening to his instructions. "Open your world, we have to get in quickly." He warned me. I quickly opened my bag and brought out the notepad, flipping through the pages I stopped at the page which showed the entrance to the dragon realm. He stuck his hand in and slowly his whole body was in my world only his left foot was shown. I went in next when I knew he was fully inside. Silver Wing came next, simply barging in.

        " Well, where is this Ari you speak of?" He asked me.

         " Well, she is a living thing ( well in my world ) so she can move around, so how should I know. The dragons usually tell me." I told him.

        " Then we must find those dragons." He told me, as he was walking around my world. He brought out his notebook. As I watched his dragon come out of it. The dragon stretched it's wings and looked around the place. I could see a small smile forming around his lips ( well I think it was a smile ). He was excited to run around the place, the bundle of yellow ran around the area.

        Silver Wing stared at Golden Glory, surprised that he was acting like this. I knew how he was feeling, he felt  like he at home to Golden Glory. Jason did not make a home for him like this.

       " So , shall we start." Jason asked me. I nodded my head. And soon both of us were on our dragons, flying around the whole territory. Hoping to find Ari. We searched high up to the clouds and then down to the ground, around the trees, undergrowth and the toxic plants. But we still can't find her.

         " Let me ask a dragon." I offered Jason. He simply nod his head not looking at me, instead looking at a plant on the ground. He slowly picked it up and stuffed it in his bag. I wondered what he needed that for.

            I soon spotted a dragon to ask, I slowly walked near the dragon. It has iron-gray, shading lighter to dark on some random patches around his body. It had a thick body with a short tail. It has elongated and muscular limbs with four closely stuck laws on each foot. It had huge wings running from it's shoulders to the tip of it's tail. A row of spines ran from it's scull to it's tail. The dragon had slitted eyes that were colored wine purple. I whispered to it, asking if he knew where Ari was. He nod his head and nod his head to the direction facing west. I thanked the dragon and soon me and Jason were flying south, once again searching for Ari.

          We soon stopped in a small iscolated spot, it had a lake and a couple of trees and bushes around it. We hid on top of the trees, watching Ari make a small potion the color of dying ambers. She gave it to one of the dragons she had poisoned and told it to go south and call for more dragons to follow her. The dragon nod his head and flew away, his tail almost touching my head. I gulped and continued to spy on Ari. As she was continuing to talk to each dragon she had poisoned. There were seven of them counting the one that flew away.

          I looked at my watch noticing it was Seven thirty. " We have to go Jason." I told him. He nod his head and we flew off to the entrance of my world. " So what do we do about this?" I asked him, watching him think.

        " I will think about it." He told me, as I went off to my house.

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