07 Her Presence

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O.M.F.T!!! Look at that ↑↑↑ Levi is so cute while sleeping!!!

Let's assumed that every morning we woke up that's the first one we will ever saw!!!

Hahah f*cking assuming fangirls... Including me -___-

Now let's go back to the.....

Oh Yah What Levi Do To You Next?

[Thanks for my dear friend "Cherie" whom give me an advise for this]

Levi's POV

I inched my face closer to her as I hesitantly attached my lips to hers. I bite her bottom lip as gently as I can earning a soft muffled of moans coming from her.


I don't know why, but I kept her kissing by a few minutes. As soon as I going to detached my lips, I felt a soft pair of hands on both of my cheeks and pull down my head to deepen the kiss.

My eyes widen by the sudden movement. I obliged and caged her head between my arms as I hovered above her then I bite her bottom lip once more as she gasped and I take my turn to slide my tounge and explore every inch of her cavern.

I owned it like it was mine.

Our moans became more louder while kissing in a great pace of passion as a pleasurable feeling engulfed our warm bodies.

Her soft hand gently moved up to entangled her fingers on my hair while her other hand was caressing my back.

"Ca... Captain?!"


We pulled out and gasped for air as we both stared at each others eyes.

"I... I'm sorry" she apologized while blushing hardly as she tried to averted her gaze on the side.

"No it wasn't your fault... It's mine" I softly insisted and detached my self away from her.

"Go back to sleep" I ordered as she nodded in response. I silently took a seat on the previous chair beside her bed as I licked my bottom and sighed deeply.

Dammit why did I let my self to do that to her.

I am a bad boyfriend.

I'm so sorry Petra...

But why do I felt like I've been kissed her a multiple times before?

Tch... It was only a kiss so what's the matter about it?

I stood up and left the infirmary as I headed towards my office and get the book out of my drawer. I came back again inside the infirmary and take my time to curiously find out a way to open it up.

I flipped the book and faced the back cover. There's an instruction written at in a little cursive letters.

"Say the keyword"

Huh?! What the heck is the keyword?

"Hint: The only key to save the humanity"

The only key to save the humanity? Is that Jaeger's little key around his neck? But there's no fucking key hole in here and only a keyword is needed.

Suddenly I recall my past memories and my Mother's statement was the first one that stuck in my mind.

"The Forbidden Love..." I whispered.

The roots moved slowly allowing me to finally open up the book.

I'm sure that if I'll dare to let my self to do it, I would came in another world again.

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