15 Going Back

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Sooo Cherie got me a lot of Levi Posters!!! [Including some of my other friends] She even gave me a Scouting Legion wallet!!! ^•^ and I was hyperventilating to death

Then she promised me that she'll get me a Naked Levi Body Pillow... WTF!!! O___o


Hahah hey Cherieee~ if your reading this one I just really wanted to say that I truly loved you bitch...

And I can't get over about the Body Pillow... It's f*cking amusing!!!

I really wanna punch your pretty face (No Not Really)

Check out this bitchy friend of mine...


Levi's POV

It's unbelievable...

All of us can't believe for what we encountered.

Why does a lot of weird thing keep happening to us? Specially for me?

The lady...

The strange lady that I saw before... She finally came back again to my life, but why?

She's back again, but to help and save us? Save the whole humanity from our enemies like what all the legends and rumors had been told?

Or did she came back to see me again...

"We're going back!!!" Erwin declared.

"What do you mean we're going back?" I asked.

"There's a lot of strange things that was happening and we had to figure it out about it first. We also don't have any idea if they will came back to attack us" He bluntly informed and Hanji interrupted.

"But Miss Lady Wing is there to help us!!!"

"Come to think of it... She flew away and leave us" Erwin ride on and galloped his horse. We soon followed him behind.

Only a few of our comrades died due to their very major injuries that wasn't able to heal anymore.

Actually I was thinking about the whole incident that happened earlier.

Did Gods are dueling down the Earth? But why?

(Y/n)'s POV

After my Dad's figure shown up from the clouds, I can see that he's mad about the incident that happened between me and Harmonia's duel so I quickly flew away to leave the scenery.

I thought I will accomplished my goals right now, but I guess this wasn't the right time.

I need to came back to the HQ as soon as possible before they could ever go back.

I just need to keep this as a secret even if they recognize me as (Y/n), it can be a coincidence right?

There's a lot of an excuse to make and tell, but I need to be sure that it is positive or else I'm doomed.

I landed on the previous cliff that I've been through before. My clothing change up to an ordinary once again as soon as my wings vanished from my back.

I proceed to quickly run off inside the HQ. Luckily no one who left in here caught me as I entered in my room.

I just needed to pretend that there's no such things that I did.

A cold breeze blow out of my window as it hits my skin. I look over at it and up to the sky.

"Papa... I'm sorry I just..."

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