22 A Day Without Light

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[Heist] By: Lindsey Stirling

Please ignore the engine sound

Play it when you saw this ★★★ at the middle of the story..... For almost forever again 🙇

I was really enjoying to make this story including the new book that I made!!! ^•^

If you didn't read it yet, I would really be happy if you check it out and I swear to you that you will loved that one just like what you exactly give a loved to this book

Please expect that this won't be too long due to the previous chapters I've made and updated, so I will make this one to be short (not so short though)

Gomen~ 😵 •=🔫

Levi's POV

[Ohhh... I really miss his long sassy point of view so here it is his full POV]

Ugh... Shit really happens.

Why does my life should be living like this? It was so fucking suck. Unfortunately I didn't expect that I would literally involved in this shits.

I do even existed in the past history! Who else wouldn't be gone crazy specially if they're in my stupid situation?!

Does that really matters?! Does it make any sense at all?!

Yeah I think it really matters and makes a big sense, because I was reborn in this cruel and fucked up world again.

But for now we have to get out of this filthy cellar. I can't take and live more longer in here anymore.

We can't make our way out just by stepping and walking instead we have to use our maneuver gear since the stupid stairs are broken.

As we finally got ourselves out of Jaeger's basement, we just noticed something...

Why it's so freaking dark?

"Huh?!... Is it already night time? As I can say we just gone for a few hours"

Shitty Glasses was right. We all know that we just gone for a few damn hours, but why does it's already this dark for an early time schedule.

"Wait... Where's Major Mike and the others?" Eren worriedly exclaimed.

I looked around and tried t search up for any of their presence, but it was really hard to seek right now.

"Maybe they go back on the usual battle field or in the headquarters" Eren spoke up again earning a  irritated sighed from me.

"What's in your stupid little brain you dumbass shit? They obviously won't go without us" I monotonously scolded.

Honestly I really want to kick him out of the existence whenever he acts like a total bitch.

"But where are they?"

Yeah where the fuck are they?

"I don't know and we obviously don't have any idea so we just need to figured this out..... Again!" I growled out and headed on the other direction to find my horse.

I stopped when I discovered that my horse or either all of our horse are out of sight just exactly like our comrades did.

What in a stupid hell is happening?!

"Levi!" I turned around as I heard a familiar voice.

Oh... It's just... Eyebrows.

"Follow me I think I know exactly where our horses right now" Erwin insisted and turned his back to walked away as I followed behind along with our companions.

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