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[Shadows] By: Lindsey Stirling

Oh Em Ji!!! She's my only favorite Violinist and she and her songs inspires me to make this story

★★★ Play the video when you saw those 3 stars

But you can play it now.....
Just do it and I know I sound so bossy, but I have to -___-

Third Person's POV

"Oi Come Back Here!!!"

The old man shouted as a 14 year old Levi run quickly as fast as he could after stealing a remedy at the underground pharmacy.

He panted terribly as he run away towards his house where his mother was waiting for him while the Military Police are chasing him behind.

Levi hold the bottle firmly with his hands as if it's like a treasure to him until a certain man caught him off guard. He tried his best to get away from the tight grip on his shoulders as the man hold him up high to carry him, but Levi quickly bite down his hands and run away again leaving the whimpering man behind.

There's still a lot of Military Police members who's chasing him and he think about getting away from their sight so he tried to find a dark alley to hide which he luckily found and hide his figure.

He leaned his back against the cold hard wall as he quietly panted while watching the soldier's who's chasing him was using their 3D maneuver gear to fly as they pass his direction.

Levi sighed in relief as silence engulfed the entire area. He looked down on his right hand where he was holding a brown bottle with a clear liquid substance inside.

He placed the bottle inside his pocket as he turned his heel and walked away, but he immediately stopped his tracks until he heard a mysterious sound.

"What's that sound?" He mumbled to himself as he tried to follow where the melodic sounds came from. Levi went on many different directions as the sound became more louder and visible to his ears until he stopped by an empty open field where only a giant wall rocks are surrounding him, but the sounds was still visible and clear when suddenly.....

He found a shadow that has a shaped of a female figure on the wall.

It was holding something over her shoulder while dancing in a graceful way along with a graceful sound were only her shadows was shown in front of him.

He was amazed by how the shadows were moving in a great pace as the sounds was really mesmerizing, but he was still confused at the same time.

Levi thought about where the shadows and sounds belongs until a bright light appeared. He tried to lightly blocked it using his arms when he saw the real figure of a women wearing a long white goddess like dress along with a golden jewels. She was holding a golden violin and placing it properly above her shoulder as the bow she was holding was sliding perfectly through the strings.

Levi was dumbfounded for what he seen infront of his eyes as the beautiful lady with (h/c) hair, (e/c) eye and slender figure was smiling angelically towards him.

He doesn't know how to feel this time. He also can't move due to the weird thing he saw as her pure white wings shown up on her back, but suddenly her left wing's feather turned dark.

Levi saw how her eyes widen. She whimpered in pain and dropped down her self on the ground along with her golden violin while Levi run directly towards her, but a sudden light blocked his way again and the last thing he saw in the open field was a piece of white feather flying in front of him and he caught it gently with his fingers.

He looked at it in awe as he averted his gaze on the previous direction and the next thing he knew. The strange lady is no longer in there.

"Maybe I'm just hallucinating, but..." He said to himself and looked down again on the beautiful glowing white feather on his fingers.

He doesn't know if it is just his imagination, but the glowing thing he was holding was a proof that all of the weird things he saw was true.

After a few minutes of battling with his mind, he admitted to himself that it is all true so he decided to went back to his home.

He opened the door and went towards the bed where his sick mother is laying.

"Levi... Why do you take so long my dear?" His mom asked softly as he opens the bottle and pour the liquid on a spoon before he gently gave it to his mom.

"I know you won't believe me if told you" Levi monotonously said and his mom chuckled at his statement.

"Come on dear just tell me, Did the MP tried to catch you up again? I'm really sorry Levi and honestly I don't want you to do such things that can cause you to be a bad guy" Kuchel said to her son as she hold his hand and motion him to sit next to her.

"I can handle them and I already get used to it, but truthfully I saw something strange that's why I took so long to get back home" He took a deep breath and paused for a second before completing his sentence.

"I heard a mysterious sound and my body told me to follow it and so I did then I saw a... Shadow figure of a women with white wings while holding a violin and... And dancing gracefully then..... I saw her real form and she smile directly to me and after that her left wing turned dark and she fall on the ground so I tried to help her, but the bright light blocked my way....." He stopped again as he bring out the white feather and showed it to his mother.

"She was no longer in there, but I got this....."

Kuchel's eyes widen so she quickly sat up straigh and grabbed the feather out of her son's hands.

"You... You got this?! you saw her?! Did you really heard her melody?!" She asked anxiously.

"Uh... Yes... Just like what I told you mom" Levi answered as he got a little curious for his mother's sudden reaction.

Kuchel gently grabbed her son's shoulder and stared directly into his eyes before hugging him tightly with her arms.


"Levi..... Always remember this that you'll have to keep this thing until she came back and don't listen for what will the others would say... Just trust yourself and let her be"

"What do you mean mom?!" Levi felt a droplet of water on his shoulder and he got worried for it.

"Mom... Why are you crying?!"

"Levi... She chose you... you're the reason..... And so as the Chronicles were true" Kuchel whispered to his ear as she sobbed and cry in joyfulness.

"You and her will bring the wing's of the real freedom....." Levi got more curious about his mother's weird statements as he reluctantly hugged her back and what he heard next makes him to keep it inside his mind.

"You're life will become more miserable, but you're destiny was already written and always remember that The Forbidden Love is the only Key..... To save the Humanity"

-The Wing's Chronicle-

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