11 Life Or Death

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Levi's POV

I came back again to check out my squad, but for what I saw makes my rage to rise up against me which I tried to keep it under controlled.

My squad, friends and comrades was been washed out to death by that Fucking Female Titan.

There's nothing I could do to bring their life back.

But..... Where's the other brats?

Oh No Petra!!!

For the heavens sake I hope that she's still alive.

I didn't saw her dead body anywhere neither (Y/n) and Eren. Did they successfully escaped or did they still been chased by that stupid beast.

I saw a black smoke, signalling that it was over and we needed to retreat so I decided to go back where Erwin is, until I found that stupid Ice Queen brat who's fighting the Female Titan.

I approached her before she could ever do some stupidness.

I find out that Eren's body was been devoured and an idea came up to my head so I decided to tell her to follow my lead to retrieve Eren's body.

I let all the rage come out to me as I skillfully sliced it's bitchy disgusting flesh with my long sharp blades. Actually I want to fucking kill it, but I can't for some reason.

Mikasa intruded as I stopped her again, but the worst is... I broke my ankle.

Gaddamit!!!... Fucking Holy Shit!!!

I completely ignored my injured as well as the filthiness that I've been through this time when I quickly slashed out it's jaw revealing the Titan Boy covered with saliva.

I picked him up and go back where the others are waiting.

"I'll take care him..." Mikasa sadly exclaimed.

"By the way Petra was the one who told me about Eren so I decided to come for him... I did it even if you kick my ass out" She added.

So Petra is still alive? Thank heavens.

For the fucks sake this is the first time that I fucking thank the heavens.

After we put him inside the wagon, I decided to find Petra. She was sitting down on some tree branch while desperately crying. I approached her and tapped her shoulder.

She looked up at me with teary eyes.

"Ca... Captain?" She stuttered and nervously got up to face me and what she did next makes me surprise as well as the others.

She hugged me tightly and cried to my shoulder as I stayed quiet and reluctantly hugged her back.

"I... I'm very sorry... I can't save the others even my self... I'm really sorry..." She stammered as everyone gave us some weird looks.


Whatever she's my lover and I can't deny it this time because she truthfully needs me.

"No... It's not you fault don't blame your self, the important is you were alive" I gently patted her back earning a lot of more weird attention from our comrades.

But I don't care if I give I shit this time.

"I wont make it if (Y/n) didn't save me..." She said while wiping off her tears.

What?! Did she do that?

"What the actual fuck do you mean?!" To my surprised I shouted her rather than questioning her because I was completely shocked for what she says.

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