19 Pandora's Box

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[Lindsey's Creed] By: Lindsey Stirling

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Confused about the chapter's title?

You have to read this and please don't skip this chap

This is it..... Mwahahahah!!!

Reload your Shotguns again Baybeh things in here are getting more revealingly and exposed.

Anyway I decided to replaced my Co-Author as my personal Editor which she happily agreed to it.

Tnx Cherie ^•^

Eren's POV [Expect that his POV will be more longer in here]

We don't have any idea what's the exact thing that what's going on around us, but all of us thinking that the rumored chronicle about the wings of freedom was becoming true.

Melodia's Chronicle wad true instead of the three Goddesses that a lot of people are worshipping, but doesn't existing after all.

We should believe for what we seen.

The superiors take this opportunity to take me back to the place where I was born just to get the answers inside my father's basement.

I think Melodia came here to achieve her goals to help us saving the humanity against the Titans.

This is such a big help for us, but I also think that she may be had a rival since it looks like she was fighting back to someone.

"Eren... Tell us where it is" Commander Erwin yelled out.

"Over there Commander!" I pointed out the direction towards my house.

Our squad was heading exactly to it while the others are killing the rest of the Titans that will block our way.

Memories of my broken past flashed inside my head as I saw my broken home.

Those bastards will regret for what they do to us.

They will pay for everything they ruined!!!

"Erwin get into the basement, I'm going to lead the other squads!!!" Mike determinedly insisted as he maneuvered himself towards the other group of soldiers who's buying us a time.

Determination and motivation rushed through our veins like an adrenaline because we are determined to claim the freedom that we needed for humanity.

We let go ourselves to our horses as we headed in front of the door where the basement is waiting for us to entered.

"Eren... You exactly know what to do" Captain Levi reminded me and I nodded in agreement.

I unlaced the key on my neck as I pressed it inside the key hole.

The click sound of the door was been audible to hear and tell us that is already unlocked.

I look back at them as they nodded for me to open up the door revealing a very dark, old and dusty stairway down to the underground basement.

I entered immediately as they followed behind me.

Commander Erwin picked up the old torch that is hanging on the wall and lighten it with his match creating a light for us to see our surroundings.

"Tch... Filthy" Captain Levi muttered to himself and Major Hanji starts to blabbered out again while Petra is giggling.

"Ahahah!!! Yes it is Shortie, but this is the dirt of Freedo- WAAAH!!!"

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