01 My New Life

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Heyah Guys!!! So how's the prologue?! If you have any questions just P.M me

Yeah my horror book should be the first one to be published rather than this story, but due to the stupid dare my friends gave me... That one will still be a "Coming Soon"

Sorry about it, but I swear this one will be more greater like..... Coffee? Yeah whatever

Now here's the first CHAPTER!!!

10 Years Later.....

Levi's POV

It's been a long years since my mother died and her weird statement that she kept repeating all day were the last sentence she ever dare to say after she left me with full of confusion.

"Levi my dear please always keep this inside your mind... Don't let the others get the best of you just trust your self... She chose you and you're the reason so you have to let her be... Because The Forbidden Love is the only Key....."

I don't have any idea what she was talking about, but she told me that I'm going to understand everything soon so I do it anyway for her sake.

Every week I will always visit the place where I found the strange lady to offer her some fruits which I left on the middle of the field.

I was still curious and confuse about my mother's words because all of it was becoming true.

She was right about my life that would become a miserable one.

Every important person in my life would die in vein and I would always blame my self for it.

I grow up and live at this nasty underground place, my Mom died because of a terrible disease, my Uncle treated me like a shit and I don't even know who's my Father and the worst for me is Isabel and Farlan died because of my wrong choice until Erwin convince me to fight for humanity.

I guess the world really hates me, but this is my destiny and I have nothing to do with it.

I think one of the rare best thing that happened to my life is to become a Captain so I can order those bastard teenagers to clean their shits.

Last week we've got a new recruits after the incident that we discovered about this kid named Eren Jaeger and his Titan shifting skill.

Surprisingly only a few of his comrades joined us, but the greatest top cadets decided to choice this terrible division of the Survey Corps where the death is waiting for them rather than staying their flat asses in the Military Police who doesn't know anything, but to keep their selves alive inside this stupid walls.

I guess they really have a guts like us to kill those bastard giants, but the thing is we always failed and the number of our deaths were unacceptable.

But we will still do our best and offer our heart to save the humanity.....

I walked down the mess hall as everyone stare at me along with their frightened expressions as I ignored and continue my way towards the Commander's office when suddenly Hanji beamed in front me.

Ugh... Not now!

"Oh Hi Shorty!!! What's Up?!!" She enthusiastically asked like usual as Mike came up to my side.

"Nothing's up Shitty Glasses just go the fuck away from my sight" I rudely insisted as I used my hand to block Mike's face away from sniffing me.

They both annoyed and left me until I reached Erwin's door, I knocked and didn't wait for his response as I open up the door revealing his figures sitting on his desk while talking to a certain cadet.

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