This Little Light Of Mine

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I'm suffocating inside myself.

Constricted by my skin.

Unable to stand out from the crowd

Desperate to fit in.

Covering my tears with makeup.

And my flaws with friendly smiles.

While every day you force me into

another of your denials.

But I'm standing here right now.

Begging you to see.

That every so called imperfection

Is just a part of me.

And that while you want the perfect girl.

And this part of me to hide.

I'm not going to force myself

To fit in your guidelines.

I'm going to stand up singing

This little Light of mine

This little light of mine

I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine

Let it shine

I'm done fitting into a label

That can't describe me.

I'm done trying to be your perfect girl.

Because I'll never be.

I know now, that what I did was wrong.

I didn't need to be afraid,

I didn't need to please someone

Who I once ashamed.

So I'm moving from these shadows.

And stepping into the light

Not caring that I'm different,

Or supposedly not right.

I'm uncovering my secret.

And revealing the truth of who'll I'll be

Because I don't care how you feel anymore.

Because it was destroying me.

So, here I am singing.

This little light of mine

This little light of mine

I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine

Let it shine

I once believed that I was a mistake.

Because I wasn't like everyone else.

But now I know that the mistake

Was not being myself.

I tried so hard to please everyone.

And instead I built a cage.

Made of lies and my deciet.

Into which I was contained.

I trapped all this light and magic.

And my precious little heart.

Because I thought it was all wrong.

Every single part.

I broke myself down.

Until I became someone to hate.

Disgusted by my own reflection.

Because I wasn't straight.

But now I stand here singing

This little light of mine

This little light of mine

I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine

Let it shine

I'm going to let it shine

Because I'm done pretending to be straight

And I don't care if this new me

You happen to hate

Because my skin was too tight

And I was suffocating before

But now I have finally realized

That I'm worth a whole lot more

I don't deserve to suffer

Behind the mask that I once made.

I can stand here right infront of you.

And no longer feel afraid.

I'm done caring about your senseless words

Because I know exactly who I am

And I don't need you, or anybody else.

To understand

Because I'm not going to hide.

I'm going to let this light shine

I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine

Let it shine.

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