Mommy Are You Listening?

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A/N The inspiration for this poem is "Prayers For Bobby" a movie about a gay youth whose mother is unable to accept him because of religion beliefs and drives him to commiting suicide. And like the priest featured in the movie I believe that God loves us just as we are. Gay straight or otherwise.

Please enjoy.

Mommy are you listening?

I know sometimes you don't hear.

If it's not the words you expect

You just cover you're ears.

Because you cannot accept

and much rather run away

Than ever face the fact

that your 'perfect' son is gay

But, let me tell you something Mom.

I'm done measuring up

To your too high expectations

Because I'll never be enough

Not for you, or the so called God

Whose name you throw around

As you listen so blindy to my pleas

that barely make a sound

Because I'm gay, and to you

that is the worst possible thing to be

But don't you ever stop and remember

When you used to love me?

When looking at my face didn't fill you

with disgust?

When you could hug me without cringing

away from my touch?

Don't you rememeber those days?

Because I see them every time I close my eyes

Unlike you, who trades in the truth

For a blatant lie

Because that's all this is to you

As I scream "Listen, Listen Mom!"

But as long as you don't hear it

Then there is nothing wrong

And you don't have to face the truth

That you've been trying to outrun

That, I, am a homosexual

Your so called 'perfect' son.

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