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Thanks so much to fireballoon all credit goes to them. <333

~Pete's POV~

No no no, what am I doing. I'm kissing him? Him? I'm surely going to get beat up tomorrow.

But you like Patrick, Pete.

I can't risk my physical health, I've already gotten my brain beat to a pulp by my thoughts because of him, why let it happen to the rest of me?

We're just friends anyway. Barely even that, I pulled away.

"Holy smokes," he muttered.

"I-I didn't- I have to go," My mind moving faster than my mouth.

"O-Okay? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry." He said with his puppy dog eyes.

"I didn't feel anything," I lied straight through gritted teeth.

"Uh- o-okay," he said, his voice cracking.

I ran to the living room, scooping up my duffle bag which didn't actually have cloths in it, just video games.

I rushed out the door, the ground was still damp from the night before.

I looked behind me to see Patrick, in the door way, a heart broken look on his face. His eyes were red, clearly trying to hold back tears.

You idiot! You have no where to go.

I slowed my pace after a few blocks, heaving a sigh, and slinging my duffle bag over my shoulder.

I guess I could try Brendon.

I flipped out my phone, dialing the number.

"Hello?" He answered, voice deep and groggy, since it's 9am or so.

"Hey Bren."

"Hey Peter," he seemed to perk up.

"Uh- is it okay if I go to your house?"

"I thought you were at-"

"We got in a bit of a disagreement, now can I come over?"

"Fine grumpy pants, get your ass over here," he said, I could hear the smile on his face.

I couldn't help but smile, regarding the situation I'm in.

* * * * *

His mom let me in, giving me a smile that looked like Brendon's.

I walked up the stairs the floor boards creaking under my weight.

"Boo," I giggled walking into his room.

"Thanks for knocking," he said from the bed, a comic book in hand,"I could have been naked."

"I wish," I joked, dragging out the -sh.

"You're so dirty."

"I know," I smiled.


"Ugh, it's Monday and I hate everyone."

I haven't seen Patrick all day, I feel really bad.

I didn't want to hurt him, I just- I don't want to get myself hurt either.

"Hey Bud," Alex said ruffling my hair.

I gave a groan in response.

"I know, Monday's right."

I groaned again.

"I heard there's a new kid, apparently he looks like a fag," Jack sneered.

I cringed at his word choice.

Just then I saw a boy, with brown hair hanging in his walking down the hallway with- with Patrick?

The boy was tall, taller than even Brendon.

He was really skinny, and lanky.

And of course had eyeliner on.

He was wearing a sweater, and pinstripe skinny jeans.

Poor guy's gonna get the shit beat out of him.

I frowned, looking at Brendon who was way out of it.

He was staring at the kid like he was God himself, amazed by this boy with slightly off white pinstripe pants.

Surprisingly I didn't feel the pang of jealousy.

You know why Pete, it's because you don't like Brendon you like P-


They walked past, not even paying a glance at us.

Until Alex stopped them.

"Hey Faggots," he sneered, strutting up to them.

Patrick tried to grab the boy and walk away, but Jack grabbed them.

"So, what do we have here?" Alex said taking the tall boy by his collar.

"What's your name dumbass?" Jack sneered,"I don't care, it's just I like to know what I beat up."

"R-Ryan," the boy stumbled with his words.

I saw Brendon, staring wide eyed, unsure of what to do.

"Ha, Ryan, you're hanging out with this fat ass?" He chuckled, sticking a thumb in Patrick's face.

Patrick was a bit chubby, and cute and- but not fat. He's beautiful. Shit shit shit, get out of my head.

Neither responded.

I blocked the rest out, all I remember is the whimpers and tears, coming from both of them, and the pang of guilt in my chest.

Which makes my heart hurt, just to think about it.

Hey guys! I'm at my friend's house for her birthday. I'm not sleeping. Okay. Bye.

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