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~Patrick's POV~

Fuck. It was 2am, and Pete still wasn't home. Fuck.

I heard my phone ding from across the room, I rushed to it, and hoped it was Pete. Saying he was on his way home. Which made me worried, because he was probably drunk.

But it wasn't Pete. It was Gabe. Gabe Saporta, the asshole who somehow got my number.

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It was a picture of a room, with two people in it. There was a bed, they seemed to be y'now- gettin' it on. But then I realized who those two people were, Pete and Mikey.

Mikey fucking Way. The kid with glasses that always hung on the edge of his nose, and awkward knees.

My heart sunk.

I dropped my phone, and a silent sob erupted from my mouth.

No no no no no. You should have known this would have happened Patrick. It was only a matter of time.

That bastard. Soon came the tears, so many tears, I could drown. I buried my face into a pillow, and let out a muffled scream.

"Fuck you Pete! I loved you!" I screamed.

I took the nearest thing to me, which happened to be Pete's favorite porcelain souvenir, and chucked it against the ground.

It hit the ground with a bang, and shattered into hundreds of pieces. The broken porcelain, scattered on the floor.

I froze. Everything seemed to spin, and I couldn't breathe. Is this what heart break feels like? God It's like he ripped my heart out of my fucking chest. It hurt physically, and emotionally. My whole world was collapsing. Fuck he was my whole world.

Each and everything he did for me was all a big lie. Did he just want sex? Oh god. Fuck.

I curled up into a ball on the bed, my head tucked under a pillow.

My last thought was I thought he loved me. Before I fell into a sorrow filled slumber.


Soon I awoke to the sound of the front door closing. And foot steps. All the events of last night replayed in my head.

"Patrick! I'm home! Why is the penguin broken?" Pete said as he came into our bedroom.

I stayed silent. The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. I stared at him, a mix of rage, and sorrow in the pit of my stomach.

"What's wrong Pattycakes?"

"How was Mikey last night? Better than me?"

He froze, and his eyes went wide.


"Save it, and leave," I said as I rushed up to start packing for him.

"Please Patrick, let me explain!"

"There's no explaining, you don't love you- you- heartless- bastard," I managed through sobs, "You never loved me, you loved him. All this time, I thought you did. You were my world Pete! I hate you."

Tears ran down his face, like crystals. His face was red, and his cheeks were flushed.

"I thought you loved me," I hissed, with all the venom I could muster.

The poisonous substance that was only there, in the case of a broken heart. Pure sadness, pure anger. All mixed in one. I shut the suitcase I had been packing. Pete still stood there dumb founded.

"Bye Pete," I said as I handed him the suitcase, and pointed to the door.

My vision blurred as the rain escaped my eyes, and I fell on my bed once again.


There will be a sequel up soon don't worry :) I hope you guys enjoyed this story. It was fun to make, even though I got sort of bored with it at times, I'm excited to make the next one.

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