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The next morning, or... after nine hours of sleeping, she felt something; someone, shake her awake and whisper her name. Urging her to wake up for some reason, and of course, she didn't want to wake. Hope preference to stay asleep, in the darkness, in her dreams that involved the happiest moments ever. Who wanted to be brought back to the waking life?

Sleeping didn't require any deep thought, had no problems and was peaceful. Which is why she liked her sleep more than being awake and moving.

But, the words were invading her darkness and untimely waking her from her sleep - though her eyes remained closed. She tried to act like she was still asleep, and then maybe there'd be a chance of it actually coming true again.

"I've known you your whole life, you really think you can trick me?" Came the voice of Ben, he wasn't whispering. He was talking in his normal voice and looking down at her, which he had an extremely deep voice. Kylo's voice did not have any sympathy in it, no hints of kindness or a laughing tone in it. While Ben's did, and he always seemed happy... always. Trying to be happy for the sake of others. Especially for Hope, but she could see right through him and she would not allow him to absorb himself in other people's feelings, she wouldn't let him ignore what he felt. So she would be the one he could talk to, cry to... but near the end, he just stopped coming to her. Hope never knew why until... he actually turned.

They knew each other like the back of their hands... which meant Kylo knew her as well as Ben did, but she wouldn't allow him to get any closer.

"That and you always watch me sleep." Hope said after a moment, a grin splitting across her face as she opened her eyes to look Ben and he cracked a grin when she did.

"You talk in your sleep, so it's interesting to hear what you say." He said, taking a step back as she sat up quickly, her eyes widening as she slapped his chest, "I do not, you nerf-herder!" She said as she stood up and rubbed her face, glaring at the man as he tried to control his chuckling when she insulted him, he also loved the fact that she was denying it but wasn't sure because she was never awake when she slept and talked.

And for a moment, she was trying to figure out if he was lying or not, "Are you being serious?"

"As serious as the Force is real." He said, and yes, complete honesty radiated off of him. Though Hope still wasn't sure about it, "If I find out otherwise, you're in trouble, Solo." She said as she approached the man and poked his chest, making him fall into a fit of chuckles as he stumbled back just slightly.

After he had regained his composure, he rubbed the back of his neck and then turned his eyes to Hope, "I have come to retrieve you and take you back to the new base, Supreme Leader wants to see you before dinner tonight." He said as he took her hand in his, then moved it to her wrist as if he was going to escort her out of the cell.

"Inviting me to dinner, how kind of him." Hope said dryly, she didn't move to right him as he pulled her arm behind her back as he held a good grip on it, but it wasn't hurting her, Ben would never. Purposely or on accident, he knew how to handle himself, he was the calming light. While Kylo couldn't control himself, he was the frightening darkness of the world.

Thinking about hurt, her collarbone was still a bit sore, despite someone coming in and putting cream on it to heal it. That helped to numb some of the pain, but not all of it.

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