My New Cross-Dressing Friend

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Chapter 5: My New Cross-Dressing Friend

Oh god.

Oh god oh god oh god. Don’t turn around, you don’t even want to talk to them, maybe they’ll just go away.

I sat down. I’m sure they could see me trembling. My hands were jittery and clammy. I started to take my hair and braid it, thinking it might help with my nervousness.

“I’m fairly sure she’s ignoring us,” said the lower voice.

“I think you’re right, Hikaru,” said the other.

From either side of my head, I heard, “You can hear us right?”

No, don’t get sucked into the trap. Class will start in a couple minutes, they’ll go away then.

I nodded.


Suddenly, they appeared in front of me. Little devils, but they were kind of cute with the whole twin thing. Plus, they were redheads.

I was staring. And blushing.

The one on the right was glancing at me with a smirk, while the one on the left looked on, indifferent. I was literally whipping through my hair, hands going faster and faster to keep from trembling.

“That’s a lot of hair you’ve got there,” said Lefty.

“Yeah, doesn’t that ever-” Righty began.

“-get a bit hot?” Lefty ended.

“That’s why I braid it,” I whispered.

“Come on, leave her alone guys, class is almost starting,” said a new voice.

Mental note: give that girl a hug.

The twins just gave her a face, but, after a last synchronized glance and me and at each other, left. 

“I apologize; I’m usually here to restrain them,” she said dryly.

“Thank you,” I began, looking over at her.

Wait what.

She smiled at me, and it was definitely a she. Just short hair and a boy uniform.

“Class is starting!” boomed our teacher.

The girl looked up alarmed. There was no way she could get back to her seat without him seeing, and he was very strict.

“Crap, can I sit with you?” she exclaimed quietly, “I mean, does anyone sit there?”

I shook my head and pulled the chair back to let her in.

“Thank you so much!” she whispered, taking the seat next to me. “What’s your name?” she asked, rifling through her things.

“Kanari,” I responded as she pulled out a notebook. “Uhm…” I started hesitantly, then stopped.

She looked over at me with a curious look on her face. “What’s up?” she asked quietly.

I blushed and leaned closer to her, whispering, “Why are you in a boy’s uniform?”

She gave me a startled look and put her head in her hands. “Crap,” I heard her whisper.

“So yeah,” Haruhi said, leaning back against the cherry blossom tree I ate lunch against.

I finished a bite of my sandwich and swallowed. “Wow,” I replied, “that’s the whole thing?”

“Yup,” she nodded.

“Well that’s anticlimactic,” I said, a bit disappointed.

“What?” Haruhi looked at me, confused.

“I mean there could’ve been a better ending. Like your best friend could’ve joined with you to provide company, or you could’ve fallen in love with one of them…,” I said, glancing sidelong at her and raising my eyebrows suggestively.

“I will throw this sushi at you,” she warned. I laughed with her as I finished my sandwich.

“So I have to stay after with Kyoya again, would you mind if I walked with you to the music rooms after school?” I asked, adding, “I can get you there pretty fast.”

“Sure,” she said, shrugging. “but you’re gonna get a lot of grief from the boys.”

I snorted. “You misunderstood. There is no way in hell I am visiting the host club. Music Room numero uno is mine,” I said.

“Nice,” she said, pushing herself off the grass. “You’ve met everyone, right?”

“Uhm, I think so,” I responded, doing the same. “There’s the twins, obviously, Hikaru and Kaoru, right?”

“Yeah, and of course you know Kyoya,” she added, beginning to walk back to the building.

“And I’ve met Honey and his friend Mori…” I trailed off. “Oh!” I snapped my fingers. “Yesterday when I met up with Kyoya there was a tall, blond guy with him.”

“That would be Tamaki,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, he was weird; before I actually met him he kinda sneaked into my music room and scared the crap outta me,” I explained as we walked into our classroom.

“That’s Tamaki for you,” she said dryly as she sat down at her desk.

"I'm sure," I responded, walking away to my own.

So I'm sure right now you all think I'm a horrible person. True.

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