Kyoya Is Richer Than I Thought

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Chapter 7: Kyoya Is Richer Than I Thought

Well. Here we are, I guess. I really didn’t know it was possible to be this rich. I’m not sure my father could stomach knowing the Ootori’s are so much better off than us.

As I stood, mutely staring at the river in Kyoya’s “retreat,” I felt the beginnings of awe begin to stir. Or maybe it was just the twins breathing down my neck again. Pretty close together, if you ask me.

“This is it guys. I expect we’ll be here a couple days, so please make yourselves comfortable. We have only the finest help,” Kyoya rumbled.

“So, Haruhi, where’s your bathing suit?” one of the twins, Hikaru, I think, asked mischievously.

“Yeah, and where’s yours Kanari? Afraid of showing a little skin?” Kaoru (at least I think) asked, equally as evil.

Haruhi began blabbering excuses at once, and I must admit that it was very entertaining to see the twins drag her away.

“But hey, Kanu-chan, where’s your bathing suit? Aren’t you going to play in the water with me?” Honey asked with his sickening puppy-dog eyes.

“Well, you see, I wasn’t really planning on getting wet,” I sighed, “and I didn’t know we were coming to the beach, so I didn’t pack one, but I know you’re going to guilt me into it anyway, so I’ll find something.”

“We’ll help you pick one,” Honey smiled from Mori’s back. “Won’t we, Takashi?”

“Yeah,” he said, shifting a bit.

“Come on then!” Honey explained happily. He hopped off Mori’s back and took my hand, practically pulling me down the bath to what I assume lead to the changing rooms. I could feel stares on my back, and I absently wondered who was focused on me- Mori, Kyoya, or Tamaki?

We arrived at the spacious building just in time to see Haruhi stumble out looking very uncomfortable, although she was, as promised, in a bathing suit. The twins were behind her, observing her discomfort with obvious satisfaction. They looked up and grinned simultaneously as Honey, Mori, and I came into view.

“We were just coming-” one said.

“To get you,” the other ended.

“Don’t go it!” Haruhi yelled. “It’s horrible!”

I smirked at her, saying, “It can’t be all bad, come on!”

“Yeah,” Mori said solidly.

Hikaru and Kaoru just smiled their wicked smiles, and suddenly I was a bit more nervous than I was before.

“Well come on Hika-chan and Kaoru-chan!” Honey exclaimed. “Get her in there!”

“Woah, woah, woah, wait I though you guys were-” I disagreed. I didn’t get to finish my sentence before I was dragged into the building by an evil, but strangely attractive, pair of twins.

“Oh, come on, Kanari,” one challenged, raising his eyebrows and smirking.

“It won’t be too bad. We have all our mother’s best collections,” the other added, glancing at me from the side.

I am seriously screwed. I don’t need kids from my own grade helping me find a suit, and especially not these two. I’ll never live it down! I’d take anyone over these two, even Honey. At least he’s a younger kid; he wouldn’t have been so… hormonal.

“Guys, I’d really prefer if Haruhi, or maybe Honey could help me instead…” I trailed off, eyeing Hikaru and Kaoru as they were already shifting through racks of bathing suits, some of them completely ridiculous.

“Why?” One questioned as he looked up,

“Yeah, you got a thing for older guys?” The other smirked.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, saying, “Honey is shorter than me. I’m sure he’s not an upperclassman.”

The twins smirked in unison. “Wanna bet on that?”

I opened my mouth to say yes, but something about their smiles seemed absolutely confident. My mouth still hanging open, I’m sure, I asked, “Wait, how old is he?”

Looking at bathing suits, they resorted to smirking over their shoulders. “He’s a fourth year,” they said simultaneously.

“No,” I gasped, shocked. “There’s no way.”

“Hikaru, I think she just called us liars,” Kaoru said indignantly.

“That deserves… payback, don’t you think?” Hikaru responded, glancing at me out of the side of his eyes.

Kaoru turned around to face me, already raising his eyebrows in thought. The expression, I should point out, was very attractive on him. I think I could feel my knees tremble a bit. Hikaru, either ignorant of or ignoring my reaction to his obviously attractive brother, took my hand, leading me through the racks of suits; I offered no resistance. Kaoru had been steadily picking up bathing suits, trailing behind us, and he thrust them on me as we arrived at the dressing rooms. 


Are they joking?

Wow, I didn’t know it could get worse.




Evidentially, the twins got tired of waiting and jerked the curtain aside as I was preparing to step out of the bathing suit I was wearing. As soon as they saw me, I began railing at the selections they had made, turning around to see them, “You guys, can’t you find anything, I don’t know, more…”

I stopped at the look on their faces. They were unabashedly scanning my body, and I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up at their gaze. They glanced at each other simultaneously, totally in sync, showing off their classical smirk.

“It’ll do,” they announced. “It will more than do.”

Oh hey.

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