Almost Late

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Chapter 4: Almost Late

At around seven, we arrived back at the mansion. “Thanks for taking me home, Kyoya,” I said while gathering my things.

He smiled ruefully. “And risk the wrath of my father? I think not,” he replied.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever,” I said, getting out. “You love me,” I added, just before closing the door.

“And maybe I do…” he whispered in the car. (Okee, sorry for that random third person.)

I opened the door quietly, which wasn’t hard. Our house was the cleanest place I’ve ever been, and apparently that included oiling the hinges to our doors. I bent down to take my shoes off and glanced around as I did so.

"No one home?” I asked out loud, albeit softly. There was no answer, not that I expected there to be one.

Confident in my solitude, I took the plush stairs up to the third floor. As I walked to my room and the end of the hall, I paused at the second family room, whose door was open.


I tried to resume walking pass it, when I head the deep voice of my father.


I cringed and turned around to face him. He was sitting in a lounge chair with a glass in his hand, presumably filled with liquor.

"How was the session?” he said slowly.

“It was good,” I said softly. “We worked on polynomial equations.” Ok I've done those. They're a bitch.

I can’t believe I just lied that easily…

He stared at me for a second, and then nodded. He turned his attention back to the newspaper lying on his lap. I quickly dashed down the hallway to my room, closing the door behind me. I leaned back on it, exhaling as I stared blankly into my room. As my breathing gradually slowed down, I thought back on my lovely day with Kyoya. I was shocked at how easy it was for me to get over my shyness and connect with him. I really enjoyed our afternoon and it was nice having someone to talk to about my family and their expectations. I caught myself smiling as I walked to my closet.

“What are you smiling at?” I mumbled to myself, still grinning.

I quickly stripped and changed to a more comfortable outfit for bed. As I threw back the covers, I knew it was going to take a while to get to sleep.

The next morning I was awoken by a gentle shaking and a soft “miss.” I shot straight up and stared wide-eyed at my gentle maid.

“I apologize, miss, but you’ve overslept,” she said in her mild voice.

I gawked at my clock while rubbing the back of my neck. I had overslept by almost a half hour, which was insanely unusual for me since I was an early bird.

“I’m up now, Mairudo,” I nodded, voice cracking slightly. She nodded and exited quietly.

I flew out of bed and into a flurry of activity. I had to dress and eat in about fifteen minutes and hen had to manage to get to school without a limo, seeing as I had missed its time. My father always insisted on being prompt and if we weren’t, we suffered the consequences.

I was throwing my hair into a ponytail as I jogged downstairs. As I slipped shoes on, I realized that I couldn’t eat and walk to school.

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” I sighed, half-whining, as I walked out of the door without it.

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