Chapter 3

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India POV:

I walked into my dads room, and he wasn't in there, so I walked to his in-home office, and knocked softly.
Dad(Charles): Come in.
I walked in, and he looked at me disappointed, so I sat down. I can admit I hate upsetting my dad I'm a daddy's girl, and have been since i was a little girl.
Me: Dad I-
Dad: Let's get to the point today at school you got to fighting, and disrespected your principle, there's no explanation for that India, I should not be called while I'm at work about my 18 year old daughter misbehaving that's ridiculous, he said slamming his papers that was in his hand on his desk.
Me: Dad I'm s-
Dad: Enough! I expect Mr.Jackson to have an apology Monday, and same for that's Delianna girl, and bring me your piggy bank, and black card that you thought I didn't know about.
Me: Dad-
Dad: Now India!
I storms out his office, and into my room, and grabbed my piggy bank, and grabbed a quick 200 out, and stuck it in my pillow case. I grabbed my card, and walked back to his office, and handed it to him.
Me: Dad I'm sorry.
Dad: Just...leave.
I felt tears rushing down my cheeks my dad has never been this harsh with me.
Dad: India-
I ran out his office, and into my room slamming the door, and laid in my bed crying into my sheets. I pulled out my phone, and called Tay.
Tay: *moans* Hello?
Me: H-Hey its me.
Tay: babe come here. India I'll have to call you later.
Me: Really Tay, Really!
Tay: India I ain't did nothing, I'm sorry.
Me: Fu*k you, and yo sorry you cheating as*, lying as* mothafu*ker!
I hung up, and threw my phone on the end of my bed, and cried and cried. I heard my door open, and Gina sat beside me rubbing my back, and Carmen and Lisha sat on the floor.
Me: He had a girl the whole time, and daddy hates me, my life is sh*t.
Gina: You got us Indi.
I sat up, and hugged my sister she's always there.
Carmen: Shhiiidd we need a drink now.
Felisha started scrambling through her purse, and pulled out some liquor. She took off the top, and started drinking it, and handed it to me while holding her chest. I kept drinking that sh*t.
Gina: Dang Indi slow down.
I took one more sip, and handed it to Gina. Gina got a little bit, and handed it to Carmen, and she finished it off.
Me: That was needed, I said burping.
Carmen: We glad you happy girl, but me and Felisha gotta go her mama just texted me, and I have things to do.
Me: Y'all need me to drive y'all?
Carmen: My mama should be here in a minute, but we love you girl, don't be moping around about no cheating as* nigga cause he ain't worth yo loyal as* tears.
I hugged her, and she rubbed my back.
Carmen: Alright girl, I'll see you tomorrow.
She kissed my cheek, and walked out, and Falisha gave me a hug, and kissed my cheek, and left.
Gina: I'm finna go to the mall you wanna go?
Me: Yeah, give me 15 minutes.
Gina: OK.
She kissed my cheek, and walked out closing my door. I got up, and took off my clothes, and put on some black tights, long sleeve tan shirt, and my tan uggs. I straightened my hair out, and put a part in in, and rubbed black lipstick on. I stuck in my big gold hoop earrings, and my gold hoop bracelet. I grabbed my purse, and the money from my pillow case, and walked out snapping pictures of myself. I knocked on my sisters door, and she told me to come in. I walked inside, and she had on some red tights, black longsleeve shirt, and black uggs with her hair straightened, and some black lipstick on. We might not be identical twins, but we think just alike!
Gina: You ready?
Me: Yeah, let's go.
We walked out her room, and jogged downstairs.
Gina: Daddy we gone, she screamed.
Dad(Charles): Be safe!
Gina: We will!
We walked out the front door, and I locked it with my key. We hopped in my car, and I let her drive. Oh, Gina doesn't have a car, because she wrecked the last one a month after she got it, and it was expensive, so my mom and dad said she might have to wait until graduation to get another one.
*20 minutes later*
We arrived at the mall, and parked. We hopped out, and walked inside, and it was deep. We went by Rue21, and got us some outfits to wear, and hats. We paid for our stuff, and went to the food court, and got some personal wing trays with fries, and a drink. We walked out, and hopped in my car, and headed home listening to Migos.
*20 minutes later*
We arrived at home, and she parked. She handed my my keys, and I locked my car doors. We walked inside the house, and our mom and dad was fussing at each other which has been happening more lately when my mom comes home. We walked into the kitchen, and sat down eating our food. For like 20 minutes the arguing stopped.
Gina: Finally, she said sipping her drink. I got up, and put my stuff in the fridge. My mom, vine, is a architect, and my dad,Charles, is the owner of a lot of high-quality company's. I washed my hands, and dried them.
Me: Im about to go to bed night Gina.
Gina: Night sis.
I walked out, and jogged up the stairs to see my mom and dad kissing, and touching, ew. I walked into my room shutting the door, and locking it. I slipped out of my clothes putting on my pajamas. I put my hair in a messy ponytail, and crawled in bed. I was about to doze off, and there was a knock at my door. I got up, and opened it to see Tay.
Me: Get tf outta my house Tay!
Tay: Just let me explain India.
Me: You got 5 minutes I said letting him in.
I shut my door, and locked it.
Tay: It was a mistake, when I got home Delianna was in my bed naked. I tried to put her out, but she wouldn't leave, and that's when you called. She snatched my phone, and started cursing me out cause she saw you pop on the screen with the name future. I answered it, and she kept saying sh*t to make you think we were having se*, we didn't do nothing I swear! I put her as* out as soon as you hung up on me, and got my sister to beat her as*.
Me: That's the god honest truth?
Tay: I swear, he said grabbing my waist, and pecking my lips. I kissed him back, and crawled on top of him, and well you know what happened......

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