Chapter 3

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"So then I was just like... Bitch, I'm not gonna say it again, give me back my pants", Marti said and the room erupted with laughter.

"Oh I can relate", Ashley said to Marti before they launched into a private conversation between the two of them. Sandra had laughed so hard she cried, even though she had heard the same story about a million times. Andy poked my rib cage and I took in a sharp breath at the sudden action. I was still a little nervous when any guy touched me, especially when I wasn't expecting it.

"I'm sorry, I forgot", Andy apologized, quickly realizing what he had done. Jinxx entered the room with a pack of beer and placed it down on the coffee table. Within five minutes it was empty and each of us had downed at least three, I had four. Me being a lightweight could barely get off of the couch without feeling lightheaded, and I had to sit back down immediately. Ashley came over after about two minutes of me trying to get up and failing.

"Can I help you", he asked, offering me a hand. I looked up at that cocky grin of his and it made my heart flutter. I turned my head, breaking our eye contact, and nodded my head. As soon as our hands touched it was like sparks exploded in between us. He grabbed my chin roughly and jerked my face up to his. I felt oddly comfortable with this, normally I would have freaked out. I was thankful that all of the other people had either gone home or were crashed in one of the bedrooms. He grabbed my wrist gently and led me up into one of the bedrooms. He pushed me against the wall and our lips crashed together. He picked me up and carried me to the bed. He laid himself on top of me and that's when all hell broke loose. I started screaming and flailing, it was almost as if I couldn't control my own body. Ashley pulled me up onto my feet and desperately tried to calm me down. There was a knocking and then I heard Sandra's voice from the other side of the door.

"Lynn, what's wrong, I'm coming in", I heard the door knob twist and then Sandra yelled,"why is the door locked"

I quickly looked at Ashley and he shrugged his shoulders and mouthed an apology for setting me off. He quickly opened the closet door and got inside, closing it behind him so he could get dressed. Why he was suddenly being shy was beyond me.

"Lynn, unlock the bloody door or Jake is gonna break it down", It was Ella talking this time and I heard Jake mutter something before Andy spoke up.

"Hey, we just want to see that you are ok", I just stood there and Ashley finally opened the closet door to stand in front of me. He was saying something but his words were slurring and my vision was becoming foggy. I felt a weakness in my legs and then they buckled. I was screaming as loud as I could and I felt a pair of arms lift me up. I heard about a dozen voices trying to console me. Before I could even register what was going on I was in a car and being driven to the hospital. I kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Sandra was always there with me, I always heard her voice.

I woke up to the sound of Sandra arguing with a nurse.

"No, you have to let me see her, I'm her step-sister, I'm practically the only family she has", her voice was raised dangerously loud and the nurse nodded her head and looked over at me. When she saw me looking she smiled a blindingly white smile in my direction.

"Good, she's awake, Dr. Darrell, your patient is awake now". A middle aged balding man entered the room with a clipboard and motioned for Sandra to take a seat next to me. I smiled weakly at her and she faked a smile back, I guess my condition was worse than I had thought.

" Ms. Larsen, I read through your file and noticed that you had an altercation and were just in the hospital yesterday.

Something that we didn't know before is that you are in a fragile mental state due to the mental and physical trauma you underwent and when you consumed the amount of alcohol that you did, you went into shock", he paused," in other words you had a panic attack and I would advise you not to consume any alcoholic beverages until you have had your baby or you and your baby are at risk", I felt stupid for drinking while pregnant after putting myself through so much shit to make sure my baby would be ok. The floodgates opened and I sobbed uncontrollably at my stupidity.

"I would have stopped you, but I went to bed before you started drinking and the guys were already too drunk to notice", she said apologetically. I started to respond and then realized with a start that I had no clue what had happened before my panic attack.

"Hey, what was I doing before I went into shock", I asked. Sandra knitted her brows together and frowned deeply at me.

"You were just hanging out with the guys and you started screaming", she averted her gaze from mine and something in her voice made me suspicious. She was holding out on something, but It didn't matter, as long as me and the baby were ok. The doctor came back in and offered an ultrasound. Sandra smiled and I accepted his offer. The nurse rubbed the gel on my stomach and I shivered at how cold and gooey it felt. She waved the wand around my stomach and smiled at the screen. She pointed out different things and then she suddenly stopped. She grabbed the phone from the wall and called Dr.Darrell down. They whispered in the corner and Sandra and I exchanged concerned looks. The doctor came back over and pointed at the screen. I suddenly saw it.

"Congratulations, it looks like you're having twins, and from the looks of it, wow... A girl and a boy, congratulations Ms.Larsen", he said with a smile before allowing me to change and go downstairs to break the good news to everybody. They were all in the waiting room, like they were my first hospital visit with the additions of Sammi and Ella. They all turned toward me. I held up one of the ultrasound pictures.

"Baby boy", I said pointing to one of the figures, before moving my finger to the next one," baby girl".

"Bloody hell", Ella said

"No shit", said Sammi

"Hahaha congrats, you fertile son of a gun" James said with a smile.

"So, what are you going to name them", Jinxx asked

I smiled and thought for a second before coming up with the perfect names.

" how about Ella-Rose Madonna For the girl and Asher Dean for the boy" I said excitedly.

I got hugs from everybody and we were on our way back to the house, with hope that we wouldn't have to be back here unless I was getting an ultrasound or delivering my babies.

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