Chapter 18

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"Mr.Purdy, Mr.Purdy, are you ok sir", the doctor was asking Ashley. Lynn waved a hand in his face and Ashley snapped out of it.

"Um, yes sir, im sorry, im just-"

"Nervous", the doctor finished, "understandably"

"Ashley, this is so exciting", Bridgette said while laying on the bed at the hospital

"2 boys", Ashley said, unable to even comprehend what a predicament he was in. It was two weeks since Lynn had gone to the hospital and he had found out he was the soon to be father of four. It had just sunk in, both of his baby mamas were getting their ultrasounds today, and he was going to find out the sex of his children.

"Yeah, are you ok", lynn asked, noticing how pale Ashley was.

"Yeah,im just, I need some air, some time to...think", Ashley gulped and awkwardly made his way out to the hallway. He heard footsteps coming up behind him seconds later and felt a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Im scared too", it was Lynn.

"This is all happening at once lynn, and im going to admit that I have no idea what to do"

"You think I do?"

"You know how to be a parent", Ashley responded, lynn let out a soft sigh.

"Ive seen the way you act around the kids, youre going to be just fine", lynn said

Ashley turned to face her, "oh yeah, and what about when i'm on tour, am I just supposed to leave Bridgette home alone with two newborn babies"

"I managed, with a job, I managed to raise two children while Sandra was on tour, its difficult, but she'll have help, we'll help each other"

"What a perfect idea, leaving two women with six babies for months at a time"

"You have no choice but to accept this and live with it, unless you want to act like a little bitch and run off, you are Ashley fucking Purdy, and I believe in my heart, that you can do anything you set your mind on"

"Thank you Lynn, I can do this"

"Yes you can, now the doctor wants to speak with you, so get back in there". Ashley and Lynn walked back into the room to find Bridgette crying. Ashley rushed over to her.

"What's wrong baby", Ashley asked

"I don't know, im just crying and I don't know why"

Lynn laughed and placed a reassuring hand on Bridgettes shoulder.

"I was like this my first pregnancy, its normal"

Bridgette nodded, "I know, its just so peculiar that its happening to me"

"Sorry to interrupt, but its your turn Ms. Larsen", the doctor said, nodding at lynn. She smiled at Ashley and then hopped up onto the bed. Bridgette smiled at her and squeezed her hand. Lynn felt her stomach turning over, she felt like she was going to throw up. She hadn't told cassie or damon yet, she was nervous about it, how they would react. They were almost three now, and they were at home with the Sandra. Lynn was snapped out of her thoughts by the cold gel on her stomach.

"Shit, it always surprises me", lynn said.

She looked up at the screen and saw two figures.

The doctor pointed to something on the screen.

"That's the head, and those are one of the babies feet, and there are no male parts, it seems as if you're having 2 girls, wow, imagine that, 2 girls and 2 boys, congratulations, to all of you"

"Told you so", Ashley whispered into lynn's ear.

"Yeah, yeah, you told me and I said a boy, but we didn't know they were twins back then", lynn responded.

Bridgette and lynn hugged each other tightly and Ashley gave Lynn a light kiss on the cheek before taking Bridgette's hand and walking with her to her car, leaving Lynn all alone.

"What a gentlemen", Lynn whirled around and saw her brother, holding a bouquet of roses. He wasn't supposed to be back from shooting the new season of Glee for another week.

"What are you doing here"

"I escaped, to see my beautiful sister, so what are they"

"Im having girls, and Bridgette is having boys, so it's kind of perfect"

"Yeah, perfect in a very dysfunctional way, and don't worry a bit little sis, I would be honored if you would allow me to escort you to your car, how irresponsible leaving a pregnant woman to fend for herself"

Lynn embraced her brother and sniffed one of the roses. Perfection. She always loved the smell of roses.

"I love you Sam"

"I love you too my beautiful baby sister", he paused," so how has Scout been while I was gone"

"Um, well, I don't actually know, I haven't seen her"

"Has she called"


"That's unlike her, well, I guess we'll find out what happened to her when I get home"

"Come home with me to tell Cassie and Damon please, im really nervous about that"

"Don't be, I was ecstatic when I found out about you, I even wanted a sister and I got one, lets go"

Lynn leaned against her brother and walked out to his car, they decided they would come back for her car later, she was so tired. After getting in the car, she immediately passed out. Samuel stroked his sisters cheek lovingly and choked back sobs. Maybe she wouldn't be in this position If he had been there for her. He would've kept her from marrying Jace, she wouldn't have been beaten. But he remembered how much she loved her life right now, and he had to admit that the good definitely outweighed the bad in this situation, but he still couldn't help but think 'what if'.

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