Chapter 19

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- I am genuinely sorry this has taken two years to publish. You wouldn't believe the time I've had. But now I'm going to finish this story.-

"Mommy, are you ok", damon asked immediately when Samuel and l walked in the house. Sandra stood up and placed her hand on damon's shoulder.

"I may have accidentally let it slip that you were at the hospital", Sandra said softly.

I sighed gently and sat down next to damon.

"Where's your sister?", I asked. Damon pointed to the couch. Sure enough, I caught the cushions move a little bit.

"How long has she been back there?"

"Like half an hour, she thinks he doesn't know where she's at", Sandra said.

I walked over to the couch and poked the cushion. I heard a little giggle from the girl behind it.

"Cassie honey, I need to talk to you two", cassie jumped out from behind the cushion into my lap and wrapped her arm's around my neck.

"Are you sick mommy"? She asked. I shook my head no and proceeded to explain to the children what was happening.

Cassie cried, and I pulled her closer to me, letting her nuzzle her head into my neck. I rubbed her back and then gently pushed her back a little bit so I could wipe the tears from her face.

"Are you sad?" I asked, worried that she wasn't taking it well.

"No mommy, of course not", her face lit up, and It brought a smile to my face, " I'm just so excited I cried." I laid a hand on her arm and smiled down at her. She gave me a hug and ran over to Sandra. She was looking at me, a smile tugging on her lips. She waved at me from the couch and I waved back.

"I love you", I said softly, and she nodded her head. Her eyes were glassy with tears.

"And I, you", Sandra took Cassie's hand and led her into the kitchen to get some food.

I looked around for Damon, but saw no sight of him. Worried, I rushed upstairs to his room. His door was open slightly and I peered through the crack. He had an airplane in his hand and he was pretending that it was flying, while chasing it with a pterodactyl toy. His chest heaved every couple seconds, and I noticed the slight glimmer of silent tears that had escaped from his eyes and trickled down his cheeks. I knocked on the door and he jumped up, dropping his toys and quickly wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I'm a nosy momma, I saw you crying, and you disappeared. Baby boy, what's wrong?"

"The babies are replacing Cassie and I, aren't they?", he said it with such a straight face, staring into my eyes. His eyes were shiny with tears, his face as red as a tomato. I burst into a fit of laughter, and his face quickly turned from one of sadness to one of anger.

"I knew it! Forget it!" He yelled, turning around quickly.

"Damon, these children will never replace you or your sister. Come downstairs, Sandra is making dinner for us". I saw his face light up at the mention of dinner and he bolted downstairs. I followed closely behind him.

We sat at our small white kitchen table. It had been a gift from Sandra's aunt, and it had been in the family for generations. Sandra's great-great-grandfather had made it as an engagement present for his fiancé. Sandra's aunt had thought it was suitable for us because of the story behind it. Her great-great- grandfather's name had been Charles. Charles was a white man, and he fell in love with a Mexican woman who had been cleaning his house with her mother since they were very little. They were very close growing up, and they fell in love. Charles's father and mother frowned upon this relationship and made every attempt to stop it from happening, including taking away the family fortune. He didn't care. He rejected his parents attempts at keeping him and his love away from each other. He made the table for their little house that they moved into once they were married. They went against all odds to be together, and their relationship was frowned upon by many. Like mine and Sandra's. It was a nice sentiment, and Sandra and I adored it, and it's story.

Sandra smiled at me from the kitchen counter and I smiled sweetly back at her. The children were waiting eagerly for their food from the table. Sandra made them their plate. We were having shrimp tacos, Damon's favorite. I watched as Sandra brought Damon his plate and he looked up at her with so much love in his eyes.

"Thank you, mom, I love you", he said. Sandra stopped dead in her tracks and then pulled him into a big hug.

"I love you too, baby boy. "

"I love you, mom", Cassie chimed cheerfully

Sandra hugged her too and I could see tears streaming down her face. I didn't even realize I was crying myself. They had called her mom. We were a family, and this was everything I had always wanted.

Suddenly, my stomach tightened up painfully and I let out a gasp. Sandra was by my side in an instant. I looked down and saw a trickle of blood moving down my white pants. Before I could even register what was going on, I was on the ground writhing in pain. Something wasn't right.

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