Chapter 8

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Four months had gone by fast and i was two days past my due date. Scout, Samuel and I were enjoying a nice dinner of whatever the hell we could find in the kitchen. All of a sudden i heard a pop and my pants were soaked. My initial thought was that i had pissed myself and i was super embarrassed, but then i realized that my water had broke.

"Samuel, my water just broke", I said in a panic. Scout and Samuel rushed out of their seats and helped me out of mine. The pain was excrutiating by the time we made it to the hospital. The hospital was waiting for us to arrive, as we had called on our way to the car. I saw Sandra waiting for us when the doors opened. The nurses put me into a wheelchair and wheeled me down to the room i would be giving birth in. Sandra was with me the whole time. They layed me down in the hospital bed, i was fully dilated. I had wanted a natural birth, but this was horrible, i couldnt stand the pain. Sandra helped me through it. She breathed with me and let me squeeze the holy living shit out of her hand. She told me to push, and i pushed. A piercing wail echoed through the room and one of the nurses congratulated me on my daughter. I wasnt done yet though. As soon as the pain had gone,it was back, and i was pushing out my other baby. My baby boy was born, both of them healthy and beautiful. The doctors cleaned them up and let me hold them. They both had little wisps of dark hair. Sandra was smiling at them and cooing. She kissed my cheek, sending tingles throughout my body. Only at that point did i realize that someone was missing.

"where's Ashley, he was supposed to be here". I asked. Sandra smiled at me and held my hand.

"He's down in the waiting room, he chickened out", She answered, probably hoping i was too tired to be angry, i was. The nurse came in an took my babies to give me some time to rest. Sandra went downstairs to tell everybody the news. My eyes were heavy and my last thought was if i had made the right decision between Ashley and Sandra, I didnt think so. My sleep was peaceful. I dreamt of flowers and unicorns, which was strange. What was even weirder was that Sandra and i were riding on the unicorns, who were flying over the rainbows and flower fields. Ashley probably didnt even love me as much as Sandra did. She mustve thought i was an idiot if she didnt think i knew that she was seriously upset after i chose Ashley. She was just waiting for me to realize that i loved her, and not Ashley. I had definitely realized it, there was no doubt in my mind.

I woke up in an empty hospital room and hit the nurse button next to my bed. My nurse came into the room. She was beautiful, with dark red hair and brown eyes, pale, flawless skin. 

"What do you need Ms. Larsen", she asked with a smile.

" Can you send Sandra in, she was the one in here when i went into labor", I asked, sitting up in bed and scanning the room. It looked like people had been in here. Flowers and balloons were everywhere and the small bed in the corner looked like it had been occupied recently.

"She said to tell you she would be back soon if you woke up, she went down for coffee five minutes ago", the nurse answered happily.

"whats your name", i asked. She smiled and pointed to her id badge. Her name was Bridgette. I smiled back at her and thanked her. She bowed down before leaving the room. Sandra entered right after she left, giving me a quizzical look.

"what was that about", she asked witha strange look on her face. She knew what that was about. I motioned for her to come closer. When she was right next to the bed i reached out and grabbed her hand. It was bruised from when i had squeezed it earlier and she winced when i touched it.

"Sandra, i made a mistake", I paused," Sandra Ivette Alvarenga, I love you, more than i can ever scream". I looked to the side to see a frazzled Ashley coming out of thebathroom.

"Ash im so-", i started before he interrupted me

" Lynn, I knew you loved Sandra, and she loves you more than i ever could, im not a relationship sort of guy, all is well", he said before standing next to me," congratulations, Lynn". He exited the room, leaving Sandra and I alone.

"I love you too", she said before kissing me smack on the lips. I wraped my arms around her neck and pulled her closer. This was pure love. She broke the kiss and i patted the bed. There was room on the hospital bed that i wasnt occupying. She hopped up next to me and we snuggled together. Since she was on my emegency contact list, she could stay before and after visiting hours, as could Ashley. There were five minutes until the bands would take turns visiting me. Sandra twisted her head until she was facing me.

"what are you naming them", she asked with a raspy voice, it was sexy as hell.

"i decided not to name them the names i thought of before, since its a boy and a girl, i decided on Damon Cassius Larsen for my beautiful baby boy and Cassi Onix Larsen, they seem edgier", I said with a content smile.

Bridgette the nurse came in to ask me if i wanted visitors now. I told her yes and all of Black Veil Brides were crowding around my hospital bed. Ashley was making conversation with bridgette, and i couldnt help but smile at how beautiful a couple they would be. I could go home in a few days with Damon and Cassi. Right now i would just enjoy the company of all of my loved ones. Even though BVB and MDE werent actually my blood relatives, they certainly felt like family. My brother and Scout came in when BVB did, causing awkwardness. However, soon enough Samuel was shaking hands with andy and talking with him like they were best friends. Scout was laughing at a joke Sammi had just told us. The girls day we had months ago definitely brought us closer together. I loved these people with all my heart, and i knew they loved me back. After BVB left and MDE came in James launched into a story about a foxy lady who turned out to be a guy when they were downstairs, now all the people in the waiting room thought James was gay. It was hilarious. Once visiting hours were over, Ashley came back up and he slept in the bed in the corner while Sandra slept in the bed with me. We didnt know if that was allowed, but nobody seemed to care. Ashley stayed so that he could spend time with Bridgette, who we learned had to stay later because she needed extra money to support her brother and his band. After a few days Damon and Cassi and i were released, we went home with Scout and Samuel, and Sandra packed up her stuff and moved in with us. She had to go on tour in a couple weeks, but we would try to work something out before then that allowed me and the little P.I.T.A's to go on tour with her, even if it meant getting our own bus so the guys could sleep without being woken up every hour or so. I loved her and she loved me, nothing could get between us, except Jason.

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