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Under the light of the full moon me and Scott swum in the pool at the country club. We had snuck in wanting the pool all to ourselves after I admitted to Scott I always wanted to skinny dip. He made it his mission to have my dream (more like his dream) come true.

Scott pull me underwater and pulls me in for kiss. My laughter shoots bubbles to the surface and I push Scott to the edge of the pool. Our bare skin was touching as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with the little curls there. He reaches down picks me up  by butt and I giggle. He's definitely enjoying this.

I put my face in his neck smiling knowing I was teasing him. I held his neck gently and I giggled as I kissed his neck. I planted kisses all over the soft skin of his neck feeling his heart beat race. Scott leaned his head back and I continued kissing him smiling because it was finally just me and Scott.

"I love you..." I whispered in his neck, "Scott. I love you so much."

Scott put his fingers and kissed me sweetly as a response. He trailed his kisses to my cheek until he reached my earlobes. I couldn't hold the little moan when Scott nibbled my earlobes. Suddenly instead of sweet little nibbles he bit hard. I could feel the blood drip down my neck.

I push back from him and see he was changing. His canines and claws were already out. The full moon was making him change. Scott swam towards me and I tried getting away shaking my head. My body was shaking but it was crazy right? Scott wouldn't hurt me. Or would he?

Scott was right in front me as he raised his claws and bringing them down towards my face. I felt the sting of the gashed on my face.

He kept coming towards me, "Scott. Scott! No!"

It was no use. He was blinded. I repeated his name over and over trying to get a reaction from him. I cried knowing Scott would probably kill me tonight. But that wasn't what I cried about. i couldn't think of life where Scott blamed himself for my death everyday. He didn't deserve that.

Before I could say another word Scott forced me under the water and I choked swallowing some of the water, "Allison, please wake up! Allison!"

I gasped for air as I pushed away from Scott. I sat up on my bed leaning on the bed frame. I had to calm down. What I had just dreamed was that. Just a dream. I took deep breaths willing for my heart rate to go down but I was still way to terrified about the dream and how real it seemed.  I didn't want Scott to ask about my dream. I didn't really want to talk about the dreams. I had to try and distract him..

"What are you still doing here? You're so lucky my father is going to be gone for a few days. If he would have found you there.."

I was interrupted by Scott, "Allison what just happened?"

"Scott.." But I coudn't tell him about the dream. It was his biggest fear to hurt me. Telling him I dreamed about him hurting me a lot he'd be crushed. I wasn't afraid that Scott woud hurt me physically.... well at least not up until tonight when the full moon got to him.

"Allison what were you dreaming about?" He looked into my eyes and put his hand on my cheek. "Tell me."

I almost did too. He really know how to make me want to admit all my secrets. I shook my head and looked down. I just couldn't do that to him. "Nothing."

"Allison, I know you're lying. Just tell me. Please I just need to know that you're okay.

I nodded. He wasn't going to drop it. Allison just think of anything else. Got it! 

"It was just you. You were at my house and we were- you were here and then they came... the alphas. They came and they were hurting you, killing you. Then they took you away and I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to, but I just coudn't move. I froze. I was too weak... too scared."

I looked down closing my eyes holding back the tears. It wasn't the nightmare I had but it was one I had often. But I typically wasn't asleep when it haunted me. I was so scared of freezing up when everyone needed me the most. When Scott needed me the most.

Scott looked down at his hands "Allison... I'm so sorry. I- This is all my fault and I am so sorry that I have ruined you rlife. I've put you through so much pain and so much misery."

I coudn't believe what I just heard. He couldn't be more wrong. He blamed himself but he really wasn't to blame. I look at him and shook my head, "It was not all misery..."

The reassurance didn't seem to work though. I felt horrible. I made him feel like he was to blame for everything. Good job Allison. Maybe next time you might as well just tell him you wish you'd never met him.

Scott came up to me and pulled me into his arms. I breathe in his familiar smell resting my head on his shoulder and hugginh him tightly back. He ran his hands along my back and I could feel the goosebumps forming. It felt so good. 

"I can't believe I actually let you in after what happened last time you came here." I giggled recalling Scott's hard on when we were in the closet together. It was probably the most awkard experience I shared with Scott.. well other than the whole running in my room naked thing. I coudn't help but laugh though remembering how embarrased he was. 

"In my defense, we were in a closet, pressed up against each other. I coudn't help it. So technically it was your fault!" Scott laughed.

I grinned, "Oh really?" 

"I swear it was a mind of it's own>"

I coudn't help but laugh. This was entering dangerous territory, "Why are we still talking about this?"

"I honestly have no idea. I'd love it if we could talk about something wlaw. Anything else!" He laughed stressing the word 'anything'.

Scott was probably the most adorable person on the planet. I couldn't help but laugh like this around him. With him i didn't have to try to be the Allison people wanted around. With Scott I knew I could be the real me and I woudn't feel judged for it. Realizing this I couldn't believe I wasn't with Scott. Although I knew it was a risk and I could get my heartbroken... Being with Scott felt right and without him I felt like I would eventually who I really was. The person I was with him.

I put lips to his ear and run my hand through his hair while the other is on his neck. 'You're so cute." I whispered. "Remember when you told me that I would regret what I did later because I wasn't thinking? Well, I'm thinking now and I won't do anything I'll regret. I can make that decision on my own. When you came knowcking on my door the other day to talk to me about the arrow and in the closet... we both felt it. I know we both felt it. I can't hold it back anymore and I know what I've decided." I took a small breath knowing it tickled his ears.

"And what's that?" He whispered.

I bit my lip and smiled. I wanted to do this. "I've decided that you're the cutesr ver, but I don't want to be your friend anymore." I took another breath tickling his ear, 'I want to be more."

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