Dorky Scott

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Scott's eyes were squeezed shut so tightly his forehead was wrinkled making him look like a little old man. I coudn't hold in my laughter when I saw how scared he looked with that look and his arms pulled up in front of him as if in defence. 

He broke out of it when he heard my laugh and he looked up into my eyes. I smiled at him seeing he was still a bit shaken and he smiled back. His smile could make me forget everything and it did. For a second I couldn't even remember why Scott was in the closet. All I knew in that moment was that Scott was here and smiling at me like nothing had changed.

"The coast is clear." My grin grew bigger when I remembered and I just couldn't contain my happiness at that moment. Scott was actually here. Scott was here for me even when it could have been my father who opened that closet. He stayed. I tackled him to the ground and we both started laughing. Looking down at him with his eyes alight with laughter I couldn't think of anything else I would rather be doing than just being here with him.

"We should really go to bed it's like 4 in the morning Allison..." Scott was grinning up at me obviously sensing my happy and way too awake mood. 

I nodded, "Yeah we should... but we could always sleep later." 

I grinned at Scott as he bit his lips thinking about what I just said. He started to kiss me all over my face and I laughed before I buried my face in the soft skin of his neck. I felt Scott pull himself to sit with his back against the wall but I noticed he refused to let me out of his embrace. Maybe he felt as safe as I did when I was in his arms. I pulled my body even closer to his desperate to feel more of his touch.

I whispered into his neck, "Scott..."


"My father hates you." I laughed recalling my father's distrusting look at my door. I knew that he only told me he trusted me because he wanted to guilt me into not being with Scott while he was gone. When he first told me he was leaving he gave me the "I hate Scott and here are all the reasons you should hate him too" speech. If he wasn't in the hurry he was in he wouldv'e checked my room again like he had a few hours before. I hope Scott had condoms.. last time my dad checked my room he took the few I had left for when Scott forgot his. I got another speech about the fact the box was almost empty... well after the three days he coudn't look at me without looking away. You know my father should at least want me to be safe I-

"I know he does! That's why you scared the hell out of me. I thought you were him!" Scott pulled me out of my mental babble and grinned at me before planting a kiss to my forehead. I loved when he did that too. It was such a comforting gesture. 

I pressed my lips to his feeling him respond instantly. Our kiss grew more heated as our lips opened in unison and every time out tongues touched a spark went through me. Scott put his hands on my cheeks while mine were on his chest feeling the goosebumps form. 

I pulled slowly away from him and grinned. His eyes were still closed and I took a second to marvel how lucky I was to have him. 

"Wow..." I whispered. "You taste like chocolate." 

I couldn't hold in my laughter. I didn't really mean to say it out loud but Scott did taste like chocolate. It was this sweet taste I always got when I kissed him. Scott shook his head at me only making me laugh harder. He probably thought I had lost it.

"Well... You taste like." Scott stopped and grinned before pressing his lips to mine once more as if he needed another kiss to jog his memory. Yeah right. I giggled because he always took whatever chance he could to kiss me even when we weren't together.

"Strawberries." Scott said looking up at me.

I laughed at our descriptions of what we tasted like. We were both wierdos. Wierdos that seemed to be best when combined... Like chocolate and strawberries.. a perfect combination. 

It had been a while since me and Scott had been together. I think tonight was a perfect night for chocolate and strawberries to reunite. I stood up and walked to my bed hoping Scott would get the hint and follow me. Just as I was about to reach the bed I hear a thud behind me and look to see Scott sprawled on the ground. His nose was pressed against the floor and the sight made me laugh seeing him like that. It reminded me of when he fell at the ice rink over and over again. He turned over on his back before sitting up.

Shaking his head, "Oh my god."

He was so cute when he was embarrassed. Always trying to be perfect for me. I laughed harder as Scott began to laugh with me. I kneeled down next to him and kissed his cheek.

"Are you okay babe?" I smiled

He nodded back at me. He stared into my eyes as if they were the most beautiful sight he's seen. It wasn't though because his eyes were far more perfect. 

"Are you sure, because you just landed face first onto the ground..."

I knew he was okay with the whole thing about him being a werewolf who could heal from a broken nose in two seconds but I wasn't done having my fun. I just coudn't stop laughing from the sight of him face first on the ground and I realized he had tripped over his own shoes. 

He forehead wrinkled and I could see it bothered him. I felt bad I hadn't meant for him to think I was making fun of him.. I sort of was though but he didn't have to be perfect for me. I loved Dorky Scott just as much as he loved me when I was weird. 

I knew the perfect way to distract him from whatever was taking away the grin from his face. I began to kiss his neck slowly. Barely pressing my lips to his soft skin he ran his finger through my hair. I began to plant kisses a bit more and slid out my tongue where his neck met his shoulders. I heard him let out a small moan and I smiled against his neck. It was working.

"Mmmm." Scott said softly as I trailed my kisses to his chest. I giggled at the response I was getting from him. I kept  pressing my lips to his warm skin and I could feel goosebumps forming underneath my touch. I was just about to go his weak spot when his phone went off. I could see Scott was going to ignore the call and my guess from the bulge I felt when I grabbed his phone for him it was because he liked where this was going.

I pulled away from him to hand him his phone, "It could be important. Don't worry I won't stop." I grinned even wider of the thought of Scott talking to Derek while I kissed him and him not being able to think straight. Scott like most other boys couldn't really multitask when their lower region was...err.. happy.

I went back to his neck and continued my kisses as I felt Scott shift to unlock his phone. A few seconds later I heard Scott say something that made me freeze.

"Oh my god!"

I pull away and see Scott's eyes are wide and I'm instantly worried. I'd never seen Scott with this face. Something big had happened. Scott grabbed one of his shirts and quickly pulled it on. Something had definitely happened!

"Scott what's wrong?"

He got up and continued getting dressed making me more and more anxious. I couldn't bear to see him like this. 

"I need to go to the hospital right now. Can you come with me?" Scott's eyes pleaded with me and I can see he was fighting tears from falling out. What a stupid question. There was no way I would leave Scott right now. Whatever happened we would face this together like we always did.

"Of course, but what's going on?! You're scaring me." 

Scott was already running out the door before turning around to answer me, "It's my mom. She was just taken into the hospital. They said she-" Scott looked down and took a deep breath before swing my door open. "She might not make it."

Oh. My. God. I took a deep breath before I ran after Scott. He would need me tonight more than ever.

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