/Wip3/Fear of clowns

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Dean gets Cas and him tickets to the circus and Lucifer thinks Sam and him should go to, but sam tries his best to get out of it.

"Hey Sammy guess what came to town?" Sam inwardly cursed to himself. He knew what was coming and began to shiver just thinking about such evil.

Dean, Cas, Sam, and lucifer (choosing only to be seen by Sam) were sitting at a table in the bunker looking into a police report they thought might be a case.

Dean could see Sam wasn't going to say anything so he continued. "The circus just came to town and I was thinking of getting me and Cas tickets. You in?" Sam hide the cringe on his face and said a quick no thanks. Lucifer looked at Sam, quickly seeing how uncomfortable he was just by the mention of the word circus. He wondered why Sam seemed so frightened by the place.

"What is this Circas you speak of Dean?" Cas asked looking confused, trying to figure out if this was a person or a place. "The Circus a place where people go to see other people perform tricks and animal acts and tight rope walking and there's these things called clo- ,never mind but it's lots of fun and we should go. Dean looked over to Sam only to see Sam pale as a sheet and gripping his pen so tight he thought it might burst. He felt bad for his brother.

"Ok Cas let's go see if this case leads anywhere." He said hoping if they gave Sam some space he would feel better. Dean and Cas gather the papers and their gear and soon left.

Lucifer just kept watching Sam and making sure he wasn't going to, ya know flip or something. Sam didn't even pay any attention to Lucifer, so when Lucifer called out to him and asked if he was ok Sam completely jumped out of his chair with his gun in his hands and wide eyes. Lucifer, surprised by Sam's actions could tell something was wrong with sam.

Now, Lucifer was still the king of hell and would destroy any thing or one that stood in his way but, when it came to Sam, Lucifer forgot about everything and all his attention was given to the burly man. Sam was the only and when I say only, I mean ONLY person who could make Lucifer feel anything.

Lucifer spoke slow and carefully to Sam. "Sammy everything is ok, just put the gun down." Lucifer knew the gun wouldn't hurt him but Sam needed to calm down. Sam looked at him than sat the gun down. He sat down slouching in his set and rub his face.

Sam couldn't believe he had over reacted like that. He killed monsters for a living, but was afraid of clo- those things. Although it wasn't his fault, still it was a dumb and irrational fear.

"Sorry I'm just a bit jumpy today." Sam said embarrassed, while pretending to look back over the case.

"Sam how do you expect me to believe you're just a "little jumpy" when you just pulled out your damn gun on me?" Lucifer asked trying to figure out what in hell was wrong with Sam.

Sam sighed, clearly seeing that Lucifer wasn't going to let up anytime soon. Sam quickly mumbled something but Luc couldn't make it out.

"Sam what did you say?" Lucifer asked looking at Sam still confused. "I said I'm afr-" Sam mumbled again. Lucifer was starting to get irritated. "Sam just say it. I promise I won't judge you." Sam looked at Lucifer judging if he should tell him. After all he was the devil. In the end Sam decided to just tell him. "I'm afraid of clowns."

Lucifer didn't know what to make of the big buff giant sitting in front of him telling Luc he is afraid of clowns.

"Are you serious?" Lucifer questioned.

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