4. Pop Tarts (Samifer)

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"Damnnit Dean why can't you listen for once!" I yell very annoyed. I just bought that box three days ago and there already gone. Why in the hell does he think it's okay to eat two packs a day? I sigh and walk into the main area of the bunker to find a focused Dean. "Did you hear me? Why did you eat all the pop tarts?" I say plopping down and opening my laptop, looking for a new case. Dean sighed, "I didn't eat them all Sammy, I only had three pacts. Why are you crying over them anyway?" He said slightly annoyed. I glance up from my searching to see if he was lying and judging by the look on his face he wasn't.

"Okay so if you didn't who..." I stop mid sentence and grown, running a hand thought my hair. If it wasn't Dean and I'm pretty sure it wasn't Cas there was only one person left. "Why the hell is he eating human food, it's not like he needs it to live and why of all things the fucking pop tarts?" Like the one sweet I like most of all and he goes and eats it all. I stare at my laptop trying to focus but it's no use. I really wanted the last one and he had to go and eat it. I pout for a moment before I decide to get up and go for a walk. Hoping it would distract me from my small problem and also give me something to do.

I start walking around the forest before I hear a twig snap. I don't even bother to turn around. Instead I huff and walk faster, trying to show him I'm mad. I hear steps and I know he's following me. I wonder if I should tell him I'm mad or wait and see if he's going to say something. I'm so lost in thought that I didn't hear him call me a few times. He appeared in front of me and out of reflect I almost hit him. "What the hell lucifer?" I say taking a step back and crossing my arms. He looked at me confused and frowning. "What do you mean 'what the hell?' You didn't answer me so I decided to make my self better know." He said starting to smirk. I huff in annoyance at his always cocky attitude and continue to walk, trying to ignore him.

After a few moments of us walking in quite he speaks."So the silent treatment huh? This is really what your gonna do?" He asks with a hint of amusement in his voice. God he's so damn annoying. Like he knows why I'm mad yet, he's acting like he's some damn angle who's still allowed in heaven. I just continued to walk and look at nature. Lucifer was still at it trying to get me to speak but, I just zoned him out like usual. After a while he actually started to get mad. "Sam how long are you gonna keep up your stupid game?" I stayed quite noticing a deer and thinking about how peaceful it looked grazing on the green grass beneath it. "Damn you humans and your stubbornness. Say something already." He said angrily but, I could have sworn I heard a hint of begging in his tone.

I decide I'm really not gonna speak to him. Not because I'm still mad. I stopped caring about the whole pop tart thing a while ago, now it's just funny watching him get mad. It got quite for a bit and I finally turned around to see if he was still there. I looked back to see nothing but tall trees and the worn out path. I sigh, he got on every single nerve in my body but it was still interesting to have him around. I start walking back to the bunker, hoping dean found a case or at least something for us to do when lucifer appear in front of me again but this time turned so I could only see half of him. He held out a box of pop tarts and had a look on his face that said he was trying not to show he cared.

I looked from his face back to the box. "What, do you want them or not?" He huffed still not looking at me. I took them from his hand and smiled. I started to walk past him but stopped when I was in front of his face. I leaned forward till our noses almost touched and he froze. "Thanks Luci," I say before walking back to the bunker, trying to hide my smirk. I sneak a quick peek back to see lucifer still standing there. His cheeks slightly red and his face in a pout. I couldn't help but laugh at the devil himself as I walked inside.

Wow I've been gone for a long time. What did you guys think of this? If you enjoyed it be sure to leave a vote and comment. It really means the world to me :3 Love you all bye!

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