/Wip8/Lucifer admitting he likes Sam

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A few months back Lucifer would have been against admitting that he felt anything other than hate towards Sam, but he quickly learned that was not the case. Sam had truly grown on him.

At first, Lucifer didn't know how to deal with these new feelings towards Sam. When Luc first started feeling things he began to bother Sam more. He would make loud noises whenever Sam tried to sleep, he would also pop up everywhere Sam went making it hard for Sam to act natural. But Lucifer finally realized he liked and cared for Sam the night he saw Sam cry for the first time.

Sam had been acting straight the whole day. I was sitting across the table asking him if he liked me better with one head or two. But Sam seemed spaced out he stared passed me seeing something that. Caused him to pull his eyebrows together and frown.

Before I could ask him what was so important that he couldn't pay attention to me he got up and left. When I say left he actually left the bunker. Sam got into baby and began to drive. I followed him of course but didn't let him know I was there. I studied his face during the car ride. It looked pained and lost.

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