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"Cressida, Shaun wanted to know if we need to refill the cookie case." I heard my best friend, Izzy, say as she was wiping tables.

"Yes, the chocolate chip, but that's it as far as I know." I yelled back and continued to shuffle through the inventory lists.

Just then I hear Izzy's iTunes playing through the overhead speakers. I shot her a glare as Pentatonix blasted through the whole shop. She noticed me looking and laughed. They were her favorite band, but I felt the opposite. They made really good music, and I knew all of the words to most of their songs, but I hated to like them. One of the members, Mitch, used to be one of my best friends. Until he fell into the wrong crowd at school and he never talked to me unless it was to insult my outfit or make a remark about my hair or something.

He turned into a completely opposite person and it wasn't him. He changed just to fit in. He cut his hair and lost a ton of weight. I would notice him from across the room or in the hallway and he always looked miserable. But, he was popular and that was all he cared about.

I haven't talked to him in a very long time. So long that I doubt he even remembers my name. I don't plan on talking to him any time soon, either. It will be a lot easier now, seeing as he is a platinum selling artist and our paths shouldn't cross any time soon at all.

Izzy knows how I feel about him, but she also knows that I'll sing along to Love Again at any time of day. She says she's in a state of contradicting pity. I sit through the song and  feel relieved when I hear the next song is a 5 Seconds of Summer song. They, on the other hand, are my favorite band. I've been to seven concerts, and Michael gave me his number at a backstage meet and greet. We do talk on occasion but he's really busy, so I tend not to bother him at all. If we talk, its because he texts me.

It's a pretty strange thing, really. I'm friends with a superstar, but I'm still stuck at this cafe.

While I'm filing the charges and managing the inventory, someone comes in. The room was filled with a cold breeze as the person walked up to the counter. "How may I help you?" I asked, still not looking up.

"I'll have one vanilla iced mocha." I hear and I drop my pen. I look up to see Scott Hoying. Scott Hoying is actually standing in my cafe, ordering my coffee.

"Coming right up." I barely say, as I go to get the coffee.

I stammer over to the machine, and notice Izzy squeal as she sees him. She makes her way to the counter and begging to make a fool of herself.

I get his coffee and take it to him.

"Already know my name, huh?" He laughs as he looks at his name scribed onto the cup. He winks at me and I turn a color of pink I didn't know existed.

"Well, you know my name, but I don't know yours," said Scott.

"I'm Cressida. But you can call me tonight." I badly winked as I erupted in laughter, along with him.

"Wow, that was so smooth. But I will take you up on that offer, Tonight," he laughed at his own poor joke, "As long as you're okay with it."

I laughed and slightly shook my head as I wrote my number on a napkin and handed it to him. I could see Izzy through the corner of my eye and she looked absolutely dumbfounded by what was happening.

Another customer came in, so Izzy took over as Scott pulled me aside.

"How did you know my name?" He questioned.

"Well, my friend is a pretty big fan of yours, and as much as I hate to admit, I am too."


I took a deep sigh. "It's a really long story." My stomach immediately flipped with regret and I was dreading where this would probably go. How could I hell him I hate his best friend?

"Well, lucky for me the show isn't til tomorrow, so I have time." He smiled and motioned over to a two person table. I sat down and explained it all.

"Really?" He said after sitting in silence for a few minutes. I just nodded my head. "It doesn't really sound like Mitch. But, I also didn't really know him well until my senior year of high school." ( disclaimer; I know they've known each other since they were 8 but it's for the story line I'll fight )

"Yeah.." I just said as I sat fiddling with his cup. Sensing the uneasiness radiating off of me, he got up.

"Well, I should probably go. Kirstie is probably expecting me. I think we're arranging part of the new album today. But, I'll see you tomorrow? I'll probably come in all the time now since we're like best friends." He winked again.

"Bye, Scott." I laughed, nudging him to the door so I could get back to work. He waved and left.

I notice as he's walking away from the building that Mitch was with him. Why didnt he come in? Does he honestly despise me that much he won't Ben come in?

While I was pondering, I heard my phone ding. I checked to see one new text.

From; * number *
    Hey, tonight. ;)

Well, this is going to be interesting.

I Hate You, I Love You { mitch grassi }Where stories live. Discover now