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"Hey, how's it going?" Ethan says on the other side of the phone.

"Great, great. Hey, is Izzy there?"

"No. She hasn't showed up for the past couple of days, why?"

"I don't know.. I just have a weird feeling about her. She hasn't texted me back or answered my calls all day."

"Oh, well I'm sure it's nothing," he said.

"Yeah you're probably right," I said, taking a deep breath, "How's everything going with the cafe?"

"It's going pretty well, actually! People have been asking where you are, but I think they're warming up to Reina and I," he chuckled slightly.

"Is that Cress?" I heard a background-Reina say.

"Yeet," Ethan answered.

"Hey, Cress! I saw the concert last night on YouTube. You actually slayed it," she laughed.

"Thank you s'much, Rei!" I smiled to myself.

I do miss their company. Ethan and Reina are great people, and I'm glad we chose them.

"Sorry, E, I gotta go now. I'm helping Avriel with his parts in a new song. Text me, though," I said.

"Certainly!" He chirped.

"Tell Reina that I miss her and I'll see you guys in a few days!"

"Will do. Bye, Cress."

"G'bye," I hung up.

Hearing his voice after a few days was very pleasing. It seemed he always had the right thing to say, too. He's just an all around great guy and I'm glad I got the privilege of getting to know him. Reina, too. They were definitely a good choice.

After I get off the phone, I make my way to Avi and Kevin's room.

I knocked on the door with no answer.

I knocked again, but to my surprise, a rugged looking Avi answered the door.

"Hey, Kaplan. You two need to hurry and get ready, you have a plane to catch to Tulsa in three hours. Also when we get there you'll rehearsals and sound checks all day," I inform him.

I went back up the the room that Kirstie, Scott, Mitch, and I all stayed in last night. Kirstie and I got the beds and we made them sleep in the floor. I don't even know why we stayed in there. There was another perfectly good room that Kirstie and I were going to stay in.

Scott, Mitch, and I were awake and nearly ready, but I guess Mitch wanted to wake Kirstie up like a true gentleman.

He got really close to her face and yelled, "Get the fuck up!" really loudly.

She jumped up quickly and hit him in the abdomen, "Stop being a dick, Grassi."

Scott and I were laughing as Mitch tried to catch the air that was hit out of his lungs.

She stood up and adjusted herself.

"Alright, nerds. We have a plane to board in 3 hours, so let's get to it," I said, clapping.

"Why did we pick her as Esther's replacement?" Scott groaned.

"You love me," I smirked.

"Sadly," he mumbled before I threw a pen at him and hit him in the arm. He winced slightly.

"Fight me, Noodle."

"I hate you," he laughed.

"We just went over this, Scott. Keep up," I laughed in return.

Soon we were all ready to go. We headed to get Avi and Kevin, and we left for the airport.

On the flight, I sat between Mitch and Avi.

We all sat and watched the Corpse Bride, but halfway in, Mitch looked at him phone and sighed.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah,  I'm fine. It's just that Izzy will not stop texting me. Every five minutes for the last three days, I've gotten a text from her," he stated.

I let out an annoyed laugh, "Funny, ive been trying to reach her since I came and she hasn't texted or called me back at all. Why does she keep texting you?"

"It's all this stuff about how I should've chose her and not you, and how much happier she could've made me. A lot of them have been her telling me I should break up with you. I would tell her to stop and leave the subject alone, but she didn't so I just stopped answering."

Really? Izzy is already trying to ruin this for me?

I definitely know what the first think I address when I get back will be.


A/N; this is short and gross but it is literally just s filler chapter.

anyways, this story is so close to 500 reads! I know for a lot of people that isn't a lot, but I never expected this to get a 3 reads a chapter.

So, a huge thank you to everyone who has read or is reading this right now! you're all super great !

As always, thank you guys for reading (even though it was obvious shit), I love ya, and I will see all you dudes in the next chapter!

-ash xx :-)

I Hate You, I Love You { mitch grassi }Where stories live. Discover now