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I woke up and Reread the message four times. Was I actually going to send that to him?

Maybe it was that bad of an idea.. I don't want to lose Scott an the thought of him being on the road surrounded by new people terrifies me. I haven't made that much of an impression on him and he could easily forget I exist. It's just me being paranoid and weird but I don't want to lose him like I lost Mitch, that would be my worst nightmare.

I read the message again until I noticed something.

The message wasn't unsent.

I sent it last night at 3 am.

"No, no. No. No, no, no!" I jerked up. I immediately called Scott. It rang twice before he picked up and I was panicking.

"Hey, Texas." He said.

"Hey, Scoot. I texted you last night and I didn't realize exactly what it said until recently and I don't really know if I regret it or not and I-"

"Calm down, babe, it's okay." He laughed.

"No it isn't, Scott, I don't want to ruin this- Whatever this is- And I feel like this is going to fast and maybe I can't keep up and I'm very confused and I don't to-"

"Cressida, shh, just listen. I saw the text, and believe me I couldn't believe it myself. But, I realized... I don't want to lose you either. And I feel like with me not being around, anyone could have you and I don't want that. I care about you a lot, Cressida. And all I really have to say is, I was planning on asking anyways.. So that really obviously means yes."

I took a really deep breath and let it out.

"That's very relieving, oh my god. I love you, Chicago."

He chuckled, "I love you, too, Texas. I have to go record now, okay? I'll call later."

"Okay, bye." I said and I hung up.

I let out a sigh. I got up and go ready, wearing Scotts yellow and black sweatshirt, and my own black skinny jeans with black converse. I legitimately ran to the shop an greeted Izzy.

"Woah, C, what's up?" She laughed, having me my apron.

"Okay so you know how you told me to ask Scott out, yeah?" She nodded. "Well, I did I guess and he said yes and I'm freaking out I'm so-"

"Really? That's so cute!" She said. I walked to the machine and made myself a Vanilla Iced Mocha.

"Have you really started getting his order?" She laughed at me.

"Hey, it's good, don't judge." I said, drinking it.

"I'm so glad you're happy again, C. Maybe now you can get over Mitch."

"I still don't know, Izzy. I'm certainly on the road to recovery, and Scott is helping, but it's going to take a long time."

"Yeah, but at least you're trying."


"Hey, Cress?" Scott voice called from the other side of the phone.

"What's up, Scooter?"

"Can you watch mine and Mitch place for a few weeks? There have been robberies or something and that place is precious. Plus you can have my room, and the bed." He laughed.

"Can Izzy come, too?"

"Sure, Mitch said he's okay with her having his room. There's a key the little mailbox on the door. Just flip it up and it's taped behind it. There's plenty of food in the fridge and just call if you need anything else, okay?"

"Totally. But there's not nearly enough too in your closet or dresser for any of my clothes even after you took two whole suitcases of stuff."

"Just wear my clothes, it's cool."

"Hey, how long is tour?"

"Only two an a half weeks I think."

I smiled to myself, "That's not too long."

"Aw, do you miss me already?"

"Of course I do, Scooter. Okay I have to go pack everything up, but we're skyping later and you can't say no." I laughed.

"I wouldn't say no, anyways, babe."

"I'm gonna go now, text me later, loser."

"Will do, nerd. I love you."

"I love you too."

He hung up and I made my way back over to Izzy.

"Hey let's move." I said, leaning against the counter.

"What? Where?" She said, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Scott house."

"I'm not following.."

"Scott wants us to move into his house for a few weeks to protect it and stuff. He said you could have Mitch's room. And he always smells like cinnamon apples, so it'll just always smell amazing in his room."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it'll be great. Plus, they live way closer to here than we do. And we can rent our apartment on the side to make some extra cash."

"Speaking of, when are we going to start hiring?"

Izzy and I have been thinking of hiring new people for a few months now. The business is growing and we just can't keep up with I anymore. Shaun is great help, but he's barely here. He works mostly as a game designer so he doesn't ever have time to work anymore. We need new help.

"I'll put up the sign today and we can start doing interviews next week."  I said.

I walked over and put the 'Now Hiring' sign on the door. Within thirty minutes we already had our first applicant.

I could tell this was going to be a wild ride.


We got our stuff packed and taken over to Scott and Mitch's house

I got all of my stuff unpacked and junk, and sat down on Scotts bed.

I called him in Skype, and we ended up skyping for like 3 hours until he had to go to a concert.

I intensely miss him, but I'll get used to it. I am, after all, in his house in his bed surrounded by all of his things, so I should be happy, right?

I guess time can tell.


A/N; Special thank you to EVERYONE who's reading this!

I have a special request. I'm inserting a few original characters and I would love to base all of them off of my readers! If you want to be in it just message me on here and we can talk about it !

Also, another thing. Feedback is greatly appreciated, and I would love if you could comment pointers or any kind of help or reactions. Everything makes this a little better.

Also to anyone who may be confused, I have her with Scott for strict plug purposes. There's a purpose!

Again, thank you for reading!! I have high hopes for this story for the future!

-ash xx :-)

I Hate You, I Love You { mitch grassi }Where stories live. Discover now