I only got a couple of hours of sleep last night, my mind was filled with thoughts and I just couldn't seem to sleep.
My mind was on Kacie.
We texted for two whole hours before she passed out, and it was amazing.
I didn't confess my love for her, though.
When I got to school, Rebecca was already at my locker, waiting.
"Cyle!" she exclaimed, running up to me. She was shorter than me, and I always had found that funny. But, she knew Kacie better than anyone else who had offered to help me. "You're going to ask her today, right? Because the dance is like, next week."
I sighed and opened my locker, shoving my backpack in it. "Yeah, I-I guess so.."
Rebecca laughed, "You are nervous, aren't you? That's so cute!" I gave her a little fake smile and she left to go to class.
If you only knew, Rebecca, I thought. If you only knew.
Well, third period was the absolute worst. I had a study hall and I always went to the library with other friends, and Stone always came.
I don't think I mentioned this already, Stone has a thing for me. He always sits next to me in study hall, and he always brings up the dance and asks me who I'm going with. And he always has to mention and point at the fact that he's single.
I was scared of him.
You heard me. I'm scared of him and I always have been. He's really mysterious and always acts strange. Oh, and, well, he might have followed me into the bathroom and he just might have pushed me against the wall and told me that I'm not allowed to date anyone, or even talk to girls.
Okay, you're probably thinking, why don't you just tell him to go f*** off?
Again, I'm scared of him. He may be shorter than me, but he still is so intimidating.
And I know he'll get in the way of Kacie and I.
"Sooo, when are you going to ask her?" Rebecca questioned me, as I walked down the halls briskly.
"I-I don't know. Probably, uh, ninth period? I think she has computer today, and she walks right by my locker.." I muttered.
"Ooh! Yeah, I have computer with her today, I'm in her class."
It was finally the end of the day - well, almost. It was ninth period, and I waited patiently by my locker until I heard her voice from down the hall. I grinned and walked towards her, shoving my hand in my pocket, brushing the tickets.
"Kacie?" I called out to her, she had the usual, beautiful smile on her face and she was talking to another girl. But - this time, she didn't have white hair..
She turned to me and waved as I came towards her.
"Cyle? Hi!" she ran her hand through her short hair and blushed.
"H-Hi.. I-I was wondering.. D-do you want to g-go," I stuttered before I was interrupted from a loud, familiar voice.
"CYLE!" The voice shouted, and I immediately recognized who it was. Stone. Oh God.