My hands got sweaty, and my heart raced. I felt like breaking down and crying.
"O-oh. Okay. I-I understand, may I ask w-who is taking you?" My voice was really shaky and I tried not to burst into tears. I really like her.
She looked down at her boots, "Stone," she whispered. (SORRY KACIE!)
My eyes widened, "B-but.. he said he wouldn't.."
"Wouldn't what?" Kacie asked, cocking her head to the side.
"Nothing," I mumbled before turning my back on her and quickly walking down the hall.
"Wait, Cyle!" she cried out, but I didn't look back at her. Tears filled my eyes and I quickly went into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, tears sliding down my cheeks. Why?
"Cyle?" a voice said softly. I whipped around and Kacie stood there.
"W-why are you in the boys bathroom, Kacie?" I asked, surprised.
"I'm not.. you're in the girls bathroom, Cyle," she said with a huge grin on her face.
I gasped and pushed her out of the way with my shoulder, running out. I wiped the wetness off of my cheek with my sleeve and turned to check if Kacie was following me. My heart sank when I saw she wasn't, I kind of wanted her to but I didn't at the same time.
The bell rang, signaling school was over. I had gotten over the whole "Kacie not going to the dance with me" situation. It was silly to be upset, Kacie could go with whoever she wanted to and I didn't want to hold her back from being with someone she liked, even if it was Stone..
Now I was more angry than anything. Stone had gone behind my back and asked her. I wonder if I had gotten to her first, that she would've said yes?
What if she was just lying about her going with someone else because she doesn't like me? What if she hates me?
I walked down the halls quickly, wanting to go home. But a thin hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Cyle?" the voice said. I realized it was Kacie and turned around quickly. She had tears in her eyes, and her hair was all messy.
"Kacie?" I said quietly, "What's wrong?" She let out a shaky sigh and pulled me into an empty classroom, closing the door behind her.
"I-I have some explaining to do," she said, sliding into a desk. I nodded slowly, "I guess so."
She looked down at the desk and then said, "I do want to go to dance with you, Cyle, I really do."
My heart fluttered.
"But, let me start at the beginning. I was walking down the hallway and Stone pushed me into the bathroom. He told me I had to go to the dance with him or he would hurt you. I wasn't going to let him, Cyle, so I agreed to go with him," Kacie explained.
My eyes widened, "K-Kacie, you didn't have t-to do that. Don't worry a-about me. He can't hurt me, Kacie," I said in a hushed tone.
Kacie narrowed her eyes, "Cyle, I'm really strong. If he can tackle me and punch me and actually hurt me, he can hurt you. Trust me, I'm not some little weakling." I sighed, "I never said you were."
I looked up at her, "But - thank you, Kacie. I really appreciate it. Why do you even care?"
She looked offended, "Cyle, I really care about you. You saved me, afterall." I nodded slowly.
"Will you still go to the dance with me?" she whispered. I looked into her eyes, "Yes, yes I will. I really like you, and if I have to avoid Stone all night just to spend it with you, I will." She blushed.
"He's going to be selling tickets, he won't even be with me most of the time. He'll probably check on me once or twice, but that's it," Kacie reassured me.
Knock, Knock, Knock.
We both looked over at the door, and Kacie slowly got up and looked through the small window. She let out a little yelp and locked the door.
"Cyle, get under the desk, quick!" she whisper-shouted, getting on her knees against the door.
"Why?" I asked quietly, walking towards the desk and pulling myself under it.
"It's Stone, I think he heard us."