My eyes widened and I pushed Kacie under the table. Kacie screamed, and the rest of the people at the dance saw Stone and ran out of the other doors.
"Don't worry, Kacie. I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to hurt her," Stone shouted, pointing the gun at.. wait, he wasn't pointing the gun at me. He was pointing it to.. Rebecca?
"What? Don't hurt her!" I cried out, running towards her.
"Hey!" Stone screamed at me, "Take one more step towards her and I'll kill everyone in this room."
I stood still, "Why Rebecca?" I asked.
Behind Stone, the gym doors swung open and a boy tackled him to the ground, the gun falling out of his arms.
"Sweat!" Rebecca cried out, "You came to save us!"
He looked up and her and smiled, "Of course I did. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.." He kept Stone pinned down while Rebecca called the police. Kacie stayed under the table, silent. When the police ran in and took Stone, Kacie crawled out.
"I-is he gone?" she asked quietly.
"Yeah, you can come out."
She stood up and looked around. It was a disaster, tables knocked over, food everywhere.
"W-why didn't you save us?" Kacie asked.
I widened my eyes, "Are you serious? I couldn't, luckily Sweat came from behind Stone-"
"You could have, stop lying. You're just a wimp, and guess what? I don't want to be with a wimp who couldn't even save the person he loves," she hissed.
"Are you serious?" I shouted, "You always expect too much! I'm sorry I didn't save you, but it's not my fault! It's yours."
"How is it my fault?"
"You're the wimp, you went and hid under the table. Why didn't you save us? You cowarded away!" I yelled.
She narrowed her eyes at me, "Shut up. You pushed me under the table, you dumbass."
She pushed me and ran out of the doors, sobbing. Sweat and Rebecca left to go home, so I was all alone.
Great, just great.