Stone looked over at me and gave me a smirk. Anger boiled inside of me, who did he think he was? I slowly got up and walked towards them, and stopped in front of Stone.
He grinned, "Hello, Cyle," he said, "Anything we can help you with?" I narrowed my eyes at him, lounged at him and punched him in the face.
"You don't deserve her!" I cried out. Stone slipped out from under me and ran out of the library in fear. Kacie screamed at me, "Cyle! What the hell was that?"
"Kacie," I said, panting, "I'm so s-sorry for what I did to you, I d-didn't mean to leave-"
Kacie stood up and glared at me. She swung her fist at me and punched me in the jaw.
"Kacie!" I cried out, holding my throbbing jaw. She was stronger than she looked.
I locked in my eyes with hers, anger filling me once again. I knew better, and I knew I would regret it.. but I punched her back, in the nose. She cried out in pain.. and.. and.. Well, that's all I remember. I think I blacked out..
I woke up to darkness, an empty, silent room. It was cold, and I realized I was just in my boxers.
I tried to get up, but then the lights flickered on. The first thing I saw was Rebecca standing in the middle of the room, glaring at me.
"You broke Kacie's nose," she said softly, "You know that, right?"
"Shut up," I hissed, "I don't care. She shouldn't have punched me."
"You're crazy," she said, "What has happened to you? This isn't Cyle." Rebecca then laughed,
You used to come to me for advice. Now, well, now you're just a bully."
"I said SHUT UP!" I shouted, swinging my fists at her, but she quickly caught them mid-air.
"I think you forgot I take karate," she said smoothly. "You're lucky I didn't hurt you when you first attacked me."
"Oh, shut up, I didn't 'attack you'," I muttered, "Where am I? And can I have my shirt back, please?"
She giggled, "You're in the janitors closet, and no, you can't have your shirt back." I scratched my head, "What happened?"
She sighed and sat down, "Kacie kept on punching you, and you blacked out. I pulled you into the closet, to talk to you. You are actually really light - how much do you weigh?"
I shrugged my shoulders. My heart sank, "Kacie kept on punching me? Does.. does she hate me?"
Rebecca shrugged, "I dunno. You are being a jerk, beating everyone up and everything."
I looked down at my bare feet, "I.. I didn't mean to hurt her."
"Then why did you?"
I looked back up to her, "I really like her, and... I didn't want her liking Stone, they kissed in front of me."
"She was trying to make you jealous, duh. They don't like each other, Kacie paid him," Rebecca explained.
"So.. she likes me?"
"I guess so," she mumbled, "But that's pretty weird, since you are such a jerk."
It was Saturday night, the night of the dance. The dance was starting in an hour, and I planned to be there.
I texted Kacie, hoping I could surprise her at the dance with roses and a big teddy bear.
6:12 P.M Cyle: Kacie, are you going to the dance?
6:13 P.M Kacie: Why are you asking me? I'm probably staying home. You know, I do have a broken nose.
6:14 P.M Cyle: Yeah, I'm rlly sorry about that. I hope u can forgive me and I hope to see you at the dance.
6:14 P.M Kacie: Fine, I'll go.
6:15 P.M Cyle: With who?
6:15 P.M Kacie: Probs some friends. You'd be insane if you think I would go with you.
I got dressed up in my best black and white tux. Or, my only one. Okay.. it's my fathers, and it's a few sizes big on me.. But who owns a tux?
I walked to the school, and entered into the gym, where there were pink and red decorations everywhere. I sat down at an empty table and watched the door, waiting for Kacie, listening to the music.
It was two hours later, I was squeezing the teddy bear. Kacie wasn't coming, she ditched me.
I texted her, upset.
8:19 P.M Cyle: I thought u were coming?
8:20 P.M Kacie: LMAO, Noooo. You broke my nose and I know what you have planned, LOL. Srry for ditching u but you deserve it. Bye bitccchhhh.
Tears welled in my eyes, and I quickly took a picture of the bear and roses I bought her and sent it to her.
8:21 P.M Cyle: But I got you these..
My message was read, but Kacie didn't reply. The dance ended at 10:00 PM, but I decided to stay and enjoy the free refreshments.
I sat at my lonely table, eating heart-shaped cookies and watching couples dance to a slow dance. It was now nine at night, and I was staring at the roses I got her. I sighed. I should've known that she wouldn't forgive me...
All of a sudden the doors swung open and I turned around. Kacie stood there, in a beautiful blue dress. She ran towards me, a smile on her face. I stood up slowly, and grinned at her. I knew she still liked me.
I frowned when she ran right passed me, and I whipped around and watched her run into a tall boys arms. It wasn't anyone I knew.. who was that?