"Cyle," a harsh whisper urged, "Cyle, wake up."
I forced my eyes open, my head pounding. The bright florescent lights blinded me.
I turned to the figure sitting next to me. Wet cheeks, ruffled hair, torn clothes. It was Kacie.
"What happened?" I said, trying to sit up, but my sore body disobeyed and I collapsed back onto the hard, tiled floor.
"Hush," Kacie demanded, "You have to be quiet." My vision focused and I looked around the large, bare concrete room. I squinted my eyes against the bright lights.
"We're in the school basement," Kacie reminded me, standing up slowly, "We escaped from the classroom, remember? S-Stone was there and w-we crawled into the basement to get away."
Memories flooded back and I forced myself up. My knee was bloody, my jeans torn and ragged, and I was covered in dirt and dust.
"We crawled into the air duct," Kacie whispered. "You fell and blacked out, oh God, I was so worried about you."
"I-I'm fine," I mumbled, "What are we going to do?" Kacie sighed and said she didn't know.
Anger suddenly filled me, "You know what? This is so stupid!" I cried out, "You are so stupid! Why are we running away from a seventh grader?"
Kacie flinched, and held back a sob. "Cyle, I told you to be quiet."
"No!" I shouted, "What can that little kid do to me, Kacie? Nothing. And, you know what? I don't want to be with you if all we are going to do is run away from this stupid kid! It's so dumb!"
She looked down, hurt in her eyes. I bit my lip, feeling bad for my sudden outburst.
"I'm just t-trying to protect you."
"I don't need protecting, Kacie. I'm fine on my own," I said harshly. Kacie backed into the wall and slid down, not making eye contact with me. "Sorry," she said in a coarse whisper, "I'm sorry."
I found the elevator that led me back up to the main floor, and I climbed into it as Kacie sat there, against the wall, silent. The elevator doors closed once I punched in the number.
I just ruined everything.
It was two days later. Neither Stone or Kacie had came to school on those past two days, and I didn't question it. I minded my own business and tried to forget about Kacie. I was at my locker, talking to my friend, Ryan, when Rebecca approached me.
"Cyle! Hi," she beamed, "Do you know where Kacie is? And - how did it go? Are you going to the dance with her?"
I glared at her, "Stay out of my bushiness, you seventh grader. Fuck off." Ryan laughed and gave me a high-five, and Rebecca just stood there.
"She turned you down, didn't she?" Rebecca said slowly, she didn't seem to be effected by my words.
"I said FUCK OFF!" I shouted, pushing her. She fell to the ground and looked up at me. Ryan held back a laugh and stared at her.
"Wow, Cyle," she said, getting up, "I didn't know you could be such an asshole like this. It's really pathetic." She glared at me before walking off.
At seventh period, Kacie showed up to school. I knew because I saw her walking down the halls, talking to one of her friends. She didn't even seem phased from what happened. Guilt hammered at me everytime I thought about what I did.
I decided to stay tenth period that day, and Kacie did, too. We both stayed in the library, she was sitting all alone across from me. I was alone, too. I looked up from my work and just stared at her. Why did I do that? I don't think she's stupid, she was just trying to protect me. She cared about me, and I screamed at her and left her.
I stood up slowly and walked towards her. She didn't lift her eyes off of her phone, but I knew she saw me get up because she started squirming around. I stopped at her table. "Kacie?" I said gently, pulling out a chair. "C-can we talk?" She looked at me, pulled off her headphones. She narrowed her eyes and at me, gathered all of her stuff into her arms and walked away. I watched her as she sat down, and I saw her glasses fog up and a tear run down her cheek.
The library door swung open, and Stone walked in. Kacie looked up and smiled at him as he sat down and took her hand. They smiled and kissed. My heart broke into pieces.
I don't know what I'm doing with this anymore. Sorry Kacie for making you kiss Stone, please forgive me :)