Songbird › s.m. (Story Idea)

28 1 0

21 Jan 2016
Tear In My Heart - Twenty Øne Piløts

"Why don't you sing anymore?" My therapist asks me for the 104th time since I started seeing her two years ago.

I make a little tally in the journal she's asked me to keep. As of today there are 20 bunches of five tallies and one bunch of four.

Out of all of our sessions, she's never missed an opportunity to ask me that blasted question.

"You know why, Sheryl," I reply uninterested. She should know better by now.

"Why don't you tell me again?" She replies after jotting down some more notes to put into my ever growing file.

"I stopped singing because I wanted to, okay?" I start to raise my voice at Sheryl as usual. "Music just isn't who I am anymore. I've already reached the point in life where I have to be realistic; no matter what you say to me, I know that music will never pay my bills."

"That's not true, Riley. Never give up on your dreams. You and I both know you're capable of anything you put your mind to."

"Right now I have a mind to end our session. We're not getting anywhere. I'm still unhappy," I mention, exasperated.

"We've still got time. Look, I know you want to get better, and I understand that you're upset about our lack of results, but I can't help you unless you meet me half way. You've got to decide what you're willing to give up so that we don't keep going in circles," Sheryl responds curtly. She's fed up with me and, quite frankly, I'm fed up with me too.

"Okay, fine. I'll meet you half way," I shake my head at the idea. I know I have to do this if I want to get any better. "What do I have to do?"

OR: I was feeling a little creative today. This is just a bit of a story idea I had. Tell me what you think, will ya?

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