Honor Choir (U)

26 2 0

24 Jan 2016
Oh Ms Believer - Twenty Øne Piløts

Honor Choir was the bomb.com.

I had way more fun this year than I did last year for sure, hands down, 100000%.

The kids this year were twice as fun even though there were like 40 fewer people. I met this girl named Alanna and this guy named Tyler and they made my life today so pleasurable.

Tyler is a total cutie and Alanna is one of those people that you can just feel will be your best friend. I got their numbers so we can stay in contact. They were too great not to.

Seriously, I wish I would have been able to share this experience with you guys as well. I can write about how much fun it was but it feels like one of those things where you just had to be there to fully understand it all.

We made great music, I had a ton of fun, and I even scored digits. I laughed and smiled more today than I have in a really long time. Today is a day that I hope I'll always remember.

Q: What's your favorite memory with your best friend?

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